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Ambrose Day 2022

Wednesday, September 7, 2022
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    Ambrose University Staff

Ambrose Day is a gathering of all Ambrose University faculty and staff to recap on the previous year’s events, successes and points of reflection.

This year’s Ambrose Day began with Dr. Kyle Jantzen, Dean of Arts and Sciences, leading us through Psalms. Reiterating the metaphor of God as the Shepard, Dr. Jantzen encouraged that while individually, we may be in many different spaces, some feeling excited, burdened, nervous and unready, God meets us in all these circumstances.

Ambrose staff and faculty were addressed with updates within the community, such as; the new president of Alliance, remarks on Pope Francis and his visit to Alberta, and the Premier resigning.

Dr. Gordon T. Smith, President of Ambrose, discussed the ways we can steward our community within the city of Calgary. Student betterment, beginning where God has placed you, recognizing and appreciating diversity and seeking the well-being of the city we’re in were key points of not only being in the city of Calgary but being a part of Calgary.

Rev Dr Smith and Kenneth Draper

Dr. Smith followed his remarks by celebrating notable staff and faculty anniversaries with the institution. Dr. Jonathan Goossen, Colin Kubinec, Barb de Bruyn, Diane Quapp and Dr. Colin Toffelmire all celebrated 10 years working at Ambrose. Helen Thiessen, Executive Director, Enrolment Services & Registrar, celebrated an impressive 20 years with Ambrose previously the Canadian Bible College. Lastly, Dr. Ken Draper, Director of Planning and Assessment, celebrated 30 incredible years working with Ambrose.

Rev. Dr. Bryce Ashlin-Mayo, Dean of Theology, closed the day with remarks on Ambrose as a community. Recalling his first few days on campus, he made note of how many staff and faculty had said their favourite thing about Ambrose was the community within. Coining the term ‘with-ness’ as a way to describe the community, he continued to highlight the importance of sharing our community with others.