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Ambrose Program Day


Monday, February 13, 2023
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    program day 2023

Each year, Ambrose University hosts Program Day. Our department chairs plan activities for the day and take students to lectures, on day trips and for lunch. Program day is a great way for students to network and make industry connections, gain useful information of what life will look like upon graduation

Our Humanities students got to go on a trip out to Banff. The group divided with half exploring the town of Banff and the other half climbing Tunnel Mountain. The group reconfigured and headed up to the Banff Hot Springs. Overall the day acted as a great bonding experience for students and opened the floor to new conversations and friendships.

Our Social Sciences students started their day with three alumni were panelists in response to this question: “What does treating people with dignity look like and why is it so important, notably relative to marginalized communities or those one might vehemently disagree with?” This was followed by lunch hosted on campus. Following lunch, the group trained down to the zoo for the afternoon to compete in a scavenger hunt!

The Science department hosted a Graduate Program Panel in the morning. Three alumni came in to share their experiences on finding graduate schools and how they came to choose how they wanted to continue their education. The panel was followed by a Medical School Admission lecture. Lunch was served on campus which was followed by a talk about Veterinary School Admissions. To end the day, a Q&A was held and students were given the opportunity to network with the various lecturers that came throughout the day. 

The Arts department went downtown to explore Bell Studio. To start the morning, they took a tour to see the various instruments housed at Bell Studio including Elton John’s piano. After lunch, the department headed to Arts Commons where they were given a tour and got to hear from the people that work in that space. They were taught the various architectural features of the building that enhance sound and the significance of spatial design for audiences. Students were able to hear about the various roles and opportunities that await them upon graduation.

Our School of Business had an early start at the Calgary Dream Centre, a faith-based recovery organization. Students heard President and CEO, Jim Moore, as he spoke about his life as a follower of Christ and his journey to becoming a successful businessman. After lunch, students did a case study around the Dream Centre, they offered their insights on the organization's social media. Moore went on to share with students the value of staff in an organization. To finish the day, Moore highlighted that to have a successful business, follow your calling to find the need and fill it.

School of Ministry booked out the Elbow Valley Residence Club for the day. Students and faculty got to watch a movie together, eat a pizza lunch, went for walks and had a valuable day spending time together and getting to know each other again after a number of years being physically apart.

Overall, Ambrose Program Day was packed full for students and taught valuable lessons, fortified lasting memories and encouraged deeper connections for both students and faculty.