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Alberta Culture and Status of Women Awards


Sent on behalf of Alberta Culture and Status of Women

Application intakes are now open for the following Government of Alberta scholarships:

  • Persons Case Scholarship
  • Women in STEM Scholarship

Note: This content does not reside on the Alberta Student Aid website. Please direct your inquiries to Alberta Culture and Status of Women (contact information below).

The Persons Case Scholarship is open to students of all genders in the arts, humanities and social sciences fields whose work advances gender equality, or who are studying in fields where their gender is under-represented. Each student will receive $2,500, for a total investment of $100,000 by Alberta's Government.

The Persons Case Scholarship is an annual program and applicants can apply once during each intake.

How to Apply

For information on eligibility and how to apply for the Persons Case Scholarship, visit:

  • Persons Case Scholarship

Applicants must submit the completed application form and all supporting documentation to Alberta Culture and Status of Women by December 31, 2021.

The Women in STEM Scholarship supports women pursuing careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and working to advance gender equality in their chosen field. $125,000 is available for this scholarship. 50 women will receive $2,500 each for their studies. The Women in STEM Scholarship is an annual program and applicants can apply once during each intake.

How to Apply

For information on eligibility and how to apply for the Women in STEM Scholarship, visit:

  • Women in STEM Scholarship

Applicants must submit the completed application form and all supporting documentation to Alberta Culture and Status of Women by December 31, 2021.


Alberta Culture and Status of Women:


Address: Alberta Culture and Status of Women 9th Floor, 10405 Jasper Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta

T5J 4R7 | Student Aid Contacts

Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Financial Aid