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Ambrose Student to Represent Canada at International Competition

  • matthew taburada

Ambrose would like to extend our congratulations to Matthew Taburada, Behavioural Sciences graduate (2020), and his Mount Royal University teammates for being one of the six national teams nominated in the Map the System competition to represent Canada at the world competition!

The competition is hosted by the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford University and challenges students to demonstrate their understanding of a social or environmental issue by taking a systems-led approach. There were 725 teams that competed across Canada, with the top six national finalists chosen to go forward to the final round held at Oxford University.  

Matthew, along with teammates Jillian Mah (MRU) and Ashley Dion (MRU),  discussed the trends, mental models and systems that contribute to Canada’s charity unsustainability.

The finalists from the nationals have access to Apprenticing with a Problem funding in order to deepen their understanding of their chosen social or environmental issue. 

Map the System is an opportunity for students and recent graduates to learn more about tackling global challenges starting with understanding a problem and its wider context. Participants are to demonstrate a deep understanding of a pressing social or environmental issue by mapping out the landscape of the current solutions and identifying missing opportunities for positive change.

To find out more about the MAP the systems challenge and to watch the finals in Oxford please see information on the Map the Systems website

Monday, May 11, 2020