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Meet Jonathan Brown

Saturday, February 25, 2023
  • jonathan brown

Meet Ambrose Student Jonathan Brown

What does it mean to be Black student in STEM? Do you think race should be a precedent to a role or profession? 

Being a black student in STEM means different things to different people. I value this role I play in society greatly because of the historical lack or outright absence of black representation in STEM fields. While this is being actively combatted and rectified, I still believe there is still much to be accomplished and gained from expanding the presence of black people in STEM fields. Race should not be the only precedent for a role or position, but it should be a precedent. Initiatives such as Affirmative Action are by no means perfect, but little else has been done to promote diversity in STEM fields. By encouraging diversity in STEM, we can certainly mitigate many of the racial disparities that exist today. For example, the phenomenon known as medical racism remains prevalent in modern contexts. Black women are more than three times more likely to die during pregnancy or postpartum. Now, programs like Affirmative Action cannot solely undo such phenomenon, but I ultimately believe that they should be viewed as catalysts for further systemic changes in STEM.