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Dr. Gordon T. Smith Bids Farewell to Ambrose

Monday, April 15, 2024
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    Joella and Gordon T Smith

On April 8, Ambrose celebrated the 12-year tenure of President Dr. Gordon T. Smith in a commemorative event held in the Lion’s Den. Members of staff, faculty and the student body shared tributes highlighting the many achievements of Dr. Smith and the numerous ways he has touched their lives. With over 160 friends and family, alumni, staff and faculty in attendance, the touching words from colleagues spoke to the breadth and depth of impact that Dr. Smith had on the people and place of Ambrose. Highlighting his love for Calgary, Ambrose University gifted Dr. Smith with a painting of Edworthy Park, a favourite walking spot for Dr. Smith with its scenic views of the riverbank and the downtown skyline. During the event, Debi Mills, Chair of the Ambrose Board of Governors, announced that the board had voted at its last meeting to grant Dr. Smith the title Emeritus Professor of Systematic & Spiritual Theology upon his departure from Ambrose University.
Dr. Smith began his tenure as Ambrose President in 2012. An Academic Vice President/Dean and Professor of Theology at its former iteration, Canadian Bible College, President Smith would move on to complete his Master of Divinity degree from the Canadian Theological Seminary (CTS) before moving on to complete a PhD at Loyola School of Theology. His studies would lead him into roles as Academic Dean of Regent College in Vancouver before completing the full circle back to the successor institution to CBC and CTS, Ambrose University.
On April 11, Dr. Smith delivered his final Public Lecture. Speaking on "Christian Mission In The Meantime: What The Ascension Means For Engaging The Mission Of God Today," the lecture saw people join from far and wide in an encouraging display of a quest for knowledge. As Gordon expertly navigated the topic, audiences online and in person were captivated, staying after the lecture to ask questions and bid their farewells to Dr. Smith.
Dr. Gordon T. Smith will end his tenure at Ambrose on May 6, 2024. Ambrose University would like to formally thank him for his leadership over the past 12 years and we wish him all the best in this next chapter of life.