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Required Documents


Arts & Science

School of Ministry

Bachelor of Education

*Please note that you can only be fully admitted once we receive all of your supporting documents, including official transcripts showing that entrance requirements have been met. To be considered “official,” transcripts must be mailed directly to Ambrose by the issuing institution. Unofficial transcripts, such as photocopies and faxed copies of transcripts, or transcripts received directly from you, may be submitted for consideration for Early Admission but only official transcripts will qualify you for Full Admission. If your official transcripts are in a language other than English, it is your responsibility to provide a certified English translation.

Check Application Status Required Documents for Seminary Admissions


Your Ambrose Enrolment Team

We are your main point of contact for admission inquiries, program information and for scheduling campus visits. We are passionate about connecting you with the Ambrose community, and are dedicated to your success as a student.

We are happy to help you with any questions you may have.

For all enrolment inquiries contact:

Tel: 403-410-2900
Toll Free: 800-461-1222