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Stephen Jeans, PhD

Lecturer, Earth and Space Sciences
Phone number
(403) 407-9500


Dr. Jeans helps students synthesize, apply, and evaluate the science of planets, either for the spinning rock on which we reside or for worlds elsewhere—Earth and Space Sciences that overlap within a systems theory across disciplines including astronomy, geology, geography, and environmental science. Dr. Jeans is a multi-award-winning instructor, encouraging others to enjoy academia within methods drawn from his teaching at universities and his practical work within the corporate and not-for-profit sectors. He shares refereed papers with colleagues, grant-related research into science and faith, develops courses, along with editing books and media. If you are curious about current environmental events, including light pollution, mineral extraction, climate change, sustainability and resilience of our resources, or other topic, then open a conversation with Dr. Jeans regarding shared interests. Watch for public events on our campus (or ask Ambrose University what’s coming-up) among the many public outreach events hosted by Dr. Jeans, as examples; eclipse viewing, star parties, pet-rock identification, discourse on the intersect of science and faith, or suggest another fun learning opportunity.

Professional Activity

International Geological Congress (IGC) Bid Development Committee (BDC) for the Council of Chairs of Canadian Earth Science Departments.

Engaging Climate Change in Seminary Curriculum, from the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, & Religion (DoSER) grant of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).


PhD – (University of Calgary)
MEd – (University of Calgary)
BEd – (University of Calgary)
BSc – (University of Calgary)

Signature Courses

ASTR 120 Introduction to Astronomy
GEO 109 Introduction to Geology
GEOG 120 Physical Geography
ECOL 235 Introduction to Environmental Science