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Convocation Chapel, Fall 2023

Monday, September 25, 2023
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    Gordon t Smith and Pamela Nordstrom in convocation regalia

Every semester, Ambrose University hosts a Convocation Chapel to kick off the academic term and set the tone for the year ahead. On September 12, the Fall 2023 Convocation Chapel saw students, staff and faculty collect in the gymnasium to celebrate and participate in a time of prayer and worship. President Smith’s Convocation Address was a message on guarding your heart, an essential commitment in the cultivation of the Christian mind. Referring to the academic year ahead, Dr. Smith encouraged that, as an academic institution, we cultivate Christian minds to think critically, confidently, creatively, and compassionately. The central goal is wisdom, and the key is to guard one's heart, attending to inner emotions and spiritual well-being. The academic community encourages deep thinking while also prioritizing forgiveness and emotional well-being. In pursuing wisdom, Dr. Smith emphasized the importance of cultivating joy and a balanced interior life, essential for clear thinking and personal growth.