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Mark Buchanan, MCS


  • Mark Buchanan

Associate Professor, Pastoral Theology
Phone number
(403) 407-9505
Email Address


I have wide interests – preaching, leadership personal formation, biblical studies, theology, history, literature, poetry, and more - with no specific area of expertise. My primary and lifelong question is what it means to be fully human. I have published 10 books, both non-fiction and fiction and am working on several more. I love hiking, really, anything outdoors, and motorcycles.


MCS (Regent College)
BFA (University of British Columbia)

Signature Courses

PT 605 – He Makes Me Lie Down: Sabbath-Keeping & Other Practices of Renewal
PT 612 – Life of David

Select Publications

Select Publications
Buchanan, Mark. 2023. David Reign. Mark Buchanan. Inc.
Buchanan, Mark. 2020. David Rise. Mark Buchanan, Inc.
Buchanan, Mark. 2020. God Walk: Moving at the Speed of Your Soul. Zondervan
Buchanan, Mark. 2015. Your Church is too Safe: Why Following Christ turns the World Upside-Down. Zondervan
Buchanan, Mark. 2010. Spiritual Rhythm: Being with Jesus Every Season of Your Soul. Zondervan