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Rob Snow, PhD



Dean of Theology
Phone number
(403) 407-9479
Email Address


My academic discipline is New Testament studies with a specialization in the Gospel of Mark, apocalyptic literature and the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. I am particularly interested in the ways that the literature, culture, and religious environment of the later Second Temple period influences the theology of the New Testament writings, particularly the Synoptic Gospels. I have published two books: a substantially revised version of my doctoral dissertation titled Daniel’s Son of Man in Mark and co-authored a commentary on Matthew for the New Beacon Bible Commentary series.

I am currently writing a third book, under contract with Fortress Press, on the influence of Jewish apocalyptic themes on the Synoptic Gospels. The provisional title is Remythologizing the Gospels: The Hidden Reign of God Revealed. I am co-chair of the Gospel of Mark Program Unit in the Society of Biblical Literature, a world-wide academic society of biblical scholars. Finally, I serve as the chief developer for an online introductory course on the New Testament for The Church of the Nazarene’s Course of Study program. In my spare time, I love to work with my hands which could include anything from auto-body work to hot tub repairs, and, yes, everything in between!


PhD (University of Manchester)
MA (Regent College)
BTh (Canadian Nazarene College)

Signature Courses

REL 240 Synoptic Gospels. I enjoy this course because students learn the obvious and subtle ways that each Gospel author uniquely contributes to our understanding of Jesus and the implications of these portrayals for Christian faith.
REL 350 Revelation. Believe it or not, Revelation (not Revelations), is one of the most fascinating books of the Bible to teach not least because it is the most widely misunderstood.

Select Publications

Daniel’s Son of Man in Mark:
Matthew: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition: