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Saulo Neves de Oliveira, Ph.D. Education



Assistant Professor - Education
Phone number
(403) 407-9583
Email Address


I am a Physical Education teacher from Brazil. My research interests are on the sociocultural aspects of aging and leisure, mainly using the “serious leisure perspective” (SLP) as a theoretical framework. Paulo Freire’s educational perspectives have had a crucial influence on my trajectory, fueling my passion for making academic knowledge accessible to everyone. My most recent project that aims to translate academic knowledge is called “My Serious Life,” a documentary funded by TELUS (StoryHIVE Voices) that deeply reflects our local culture and values. By showcasing individuals within our community who dedicate themselves to leisure pursuits, the project offers a nuanced insight into the diverse interests and passions that define us. Through their stories, viewers gain a deeper understanding of our community’s fabric, history, and the shared experiences that bind us. Additionally, local community members are prominently featured in the documentary, allowing for authentic representation and connection to our community’s rich tapestry of lifestyles and interests. I am also part of a research group called PATH (Physical Activity, Transportation and Health), which is developing the Global Adolescent and Child Physical Activity Questionnaire (GAC-PAQ). As my “serious leisure,” I like making music and running, two passions that have impacted my life, especially when I decided to come to Canada in 2015.


Ph.D. Education (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – University of Calgary)
M. Ed. (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
B.Ed Physical Education (UNISINOS)

Signature Courses

  • SCMP 500 – Society and Culture: Methodologies and Practices
  • SCMP 700 – Society and Culture: Methodologies and Practices

Select Publications

Oliveira, S.N.; Kohlrausch, Estela; Stebbins, Robert A. (2024). Serious leisure and Ageing in Brazil: challenges, insights and possibilities. UFRGS.
Ferreira, M. O.; Silva, S. T. J. A.; Oliveira, S. N. ; Apolinario-Souza, T. ; Maciel, M. G. (2023). Analysis of the 'quadrilha feijão queimado' folk group from the perspective of serious leisure. Foco (Faculdade Novo Milênio), v. 16, p. 1-11.
Oliveira, S. N.; Doll, J. (2017). “This is the end my beautiful friend”: serious leisure and the end of career. Revista Educação e Realidade. v.42, n. 1, p.215-236.
Oliveira, S. N.; Doll, J. (2016). Leisure career: a possibility from the serious leisure perspective. Licere. v. 19, n. 3, p. 293-331.
Oliveira, S. N.; Doll, J. (2016). Career in Serious Leisure: from dabbler to devotee in search of fulfillment (book review). World Leisure Journal.
Fontoura, D. S.; Doll, J.; Oliveira, S. N. (2015). The Challenge of Retiring in the Contemporary World. Educação e Realidade, v. 40, p. 53-79.
Oliveira, S. N.; Doll, J. (2014). The Serious Leisure by Robert A. Stebbins. Licere (Centro de Estudos de Lazer e Recreação. Online), v. 17, p. 1-22.
Oliveira, S. N.; Doll, J. (2012). Serious Leisure. Movimento (Porto Alegre. Online), v. 18, n. 1, p. 325-338.
Heintzman, P.; Maciel, M. G.; Oliveira, S. N. (2021) Leisure Studies and Christian Scholarship: two solitudes? Licere (Belo Horizonte), v. 24, p. 575-597.
Heintzman, P.; Maciel, M.G.; Oliveira, S.N. (2020). Christian reflections on the relationship of leisure and work. PARALELLUS Revista de Estudos de Religião, v. 11, n. 28.
Heintzman, P.; Maciel, M.G.; Oliveira, S.N. (2020). Implications for leisure from a review of the biblical concepts of Sabbath and rest. The Journal of Latin American Socio-cultural Studies of Sports, v. 12, n. 2, p. 01-21.
Jones, David; Oliveira, Saulo N. (2022). Albert Benjamin Simpson: o improvável fundador de um movimento global. A.B. [Simpson]: The Unlikely Founder of a Global Movement. Christian & Missionary Alliance, 2019.