Associate In Ministry (Diploma)
Explore and develop your ministry gifts for specialized roles in churches, parachurch, and Christian service organizations. You will gain foundational knowledge of the Bible and of yourself. Your commitment to personal and spiritual growth while becoming theologically reflective will prepare you for a variety of roles.
Practicum is an integral part of the Associate in Ministry Diploma program. You will be paired with a mentor in a church or para-church organization and complete 5‐6 hours of practicum per week. Opportunities to reflect on your work in the field will help you to apply and deepen your classroom learning and challenge you to improve your ministry practice.
*Please note - you will need to produce the results of a Criminal Record Check before you are able to participate in practicum or internship experiences associated with the program.
The Associate in Ministry diploma is a two-year (60 credit) program. This timeline is based on a full course load (five courses/semester) with courses usually being three credits. To be considered a full-time student, you must be taking 3-5 courses per semester.
Here is a sampling of the jobs our alumni have pursued upon graduation:
- Pastoral Ministries Assistant
- Street Ministries
- Overseas Ministries and Organizations
- Camp Administration and Leadership
- Para‐Church Organizations

"I have found the principles of Christianity to be very beneficial in managing people. Everyone needs grace and forgiveness. Learning more about the Christian faith and the unfathomable depth of God’s love and mercy helped me develop my leadership from a biblical perspective."
From a survey of Ambrose alumni
Featured Courses
REL 105 Introduction to the Bible
An overview of the literary genres, contents, and major themes of Biblical literature, focusing on an understanding of the Bible in its original contexts.
REL 211 Spiritual Formation in the Christian Tradition
A study of spiritual formation in the Christian tradition, examining the nature and critical implication of Christian conversion, along with the disciplines necessary to spiritual growth.
REL 261 Issues in Systematic Theology
This course consists of an overview of the historic teaching of the Christian church regarding the work of Jesus Christ, the atonement, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, soteriology, the Church, the sacraments, and the consummation of history.
Notes: This course cannot apply as a senior REL in Arts and Science programs.
PST 161 Introduction to Mission
This course begins by establishing the foundation for mission: God is a missionary God. From that premise we will see how God has worked through human beings throughout history and from this gain a perspective of what God is doing in the world today. From this historical and contemporary overview we will consider God's call on our lives. Regardless of whether or not we travel to foreign cultures, or encounter diverse cultures in our society, we are all called to be witnesses for Christ.
PST 202 Pastoral Theology
This course is a study of the application or integration of evangelistic practice in a constantly changing contemporary culture. This course will examine Biblical principles of evangelism and the necessity for evangelism in personal life and ministry practice. A strong emphasis will be given to the strategy, skills and techniques to enhance the communication of the Gospel unique to one’s ministry, culture, personality and target audience.