Behavioural Science
An interdisciplinary program looking at the science of human behaviour at individual, group and societal levels. You will build understanding through psychology - how individuals perceive, develop and act on their world; and through sociology - how groups and cultures create their own social worlds and how those worlds affect individuals. Specialize in the unique area that you are most interested in.
This program includes a community field placement, which will provide you with firsthand experience in the field, as well as an opportunity to build connections for your future career. In your third year, complete 250 practicum hours (125 hours for BHS Concentration students) for a non-profit organization in a field of your choice.
Behavioural Science is offered in both a four-year, 120-credit degree and a three-year, 90-credit concentration. This timeline is based on a full course load (five courses/semester), with courses usually being three credits. To be considered a full-time student, you must take 3 or more courses per semester.
Specialize in one of eight career domains: education; counselling; criminology and criminal justice; child and youth work; working with vulnerable populations; working with racially diverse populations; chaplaincy; and church and denominational settings. Here is a sampling of the jobs our alumni have pursued with this degree or entered through further studies:
- Child and youth worker
- Crisis intervention services
- Counselor
- Police worker
- Registered psychologist
- Social worker
- Teacher or professor

I have found the principles of Christianity to be very beneficial in managing people. Everyone needs grace and forgiveness. Learning more about the Christian faith and the unfathomable depth of God’s love and mercy helped me develop my leadership from a biblical perspective."
From a survey of Ambrose alumni
Featured Courses
SO 220 Social Problems
This course examines a range of conditions in Canada and abroad which are generally perceived as social problems, including the consequences of these social problems for society and the social reaction to these problems.
PS 220 Child Development
An exploration of the nature and process of normal child development as it progresses from conception to late childhood. Child development is examined as it occurs within four important areas - physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and social.
PS 300 Personality
An examination of personality structure, dynamics and development, emphasizing major theoretical perspectives and methods of research. Attention will be given to the comparative anaylsis of the major theoretical models.
SO 413 The Sociology of Youth Crime and Deviance
An investigation of youth deviance and crime in Canada. The course will explore the history, correlates, and theories of youth crime. We will also consider various legislations around and responses to youth crime, including an observation of the youth court process and discussion of restorative justice.
Note: Students can only earn credit for one of the following: SO 413 or SO 303.
SO 205 Sociology of Sport
This course examines sport in modern societies, with special emphasis on sport in Canada. Emphasis will be given to how sport is socially constructed and the diverse meanings that different groups associate with sport. Attention will also be given to the relationship between sport and social problems and inequality.