Children And Family Ministry
You will become a leader who thinks about and engages in ministry with children and families in creative and innovative ways. While at the same time you will undergo personal, spiritual and professional formation. You will be equipped to serve in churches and parachurch organizations. Our full-time internship will prepare you to thrive in your field upon graduation.
In your second year, you will start a practicum of 5 ‐ 6 hours per week. Then, before the final year of your program, complete a 5 ‐ 12 month full‐time internship. In your final year, you will have a chance to reflect on what you learned during your time in the field. Through hands‐on experience in a church or organization, you will be mentored and gain insight into the world of professional ministry. As you reflect on your work in the field, you will deepen your classroom learning and improve your ministry practice.
Complementary Minors
Our School of Ministry requires students to declare a minor before beginning classes.
- Behavioural Science
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Music
For a full list see the program information in the link below.
Children and Family Ministry is a four-year, 120-credit program. This includes a 5-12 month internship and practicum. This timeline is based on a full course load (five courses/semester) with courses usually being three credits. To be considered a full-time student, you must be taking 3-5 courses per semester.
With a Bachelor of Theology degree, you will be equipped to serve as a committed, competent ministry professional in an ever‐changing culture. You will also be on the right track to pursue seminary studies. Here is a sampling of the jobs our alumni have pursued upon graduation:
- Pastor of Children’s Ministries
- Pastor of Family Ministries
- Church Staff Member
- Developer of Children’s Programming

"I have found the principles of Christianity to be very beneficial in managing people. Everyone needs grace and forgiveness. Learning more about the Christian faith and the unfathomable depth of God’s love and mercy helped me develop my leadership from a biblical perspective."
From a survey of Ambrose alumni
Featured Courses
PST 321 Teaching Children For Faith Formation
Students will develop skills in teaching children. This course includes attention to goals, methods, classroom management, audio-visual media and use of curriculum for the church’s ministry to children and families. Strategies for training and empowering volunteer teams to teach children will be addressed.
CS 614 Christianity in Canada
A seminar course exploring the history of Christianity in Canada from early missions to indigenous peoples to the present. Particular attention will be given to lived religious experience and historical-cultural factors relating to Canadian thought, politics, nationalism, Indian Residential Schools, and social action.
PS 305 Psychology Of Family
This course will focus on the many aspects of family interaction, family dynamics, and family functioning. Using family-systems theory and a multigenerational, developmental framework, the course will explore the challenges faced by contemporary families as they move through time. Several conceptual lenses will be used to assess and understand family functioning and to guide us through each successive stage of the family life cycle.
ICS 205 Intercultural Competence
Foundational principles and necessary skills for effective communication between people based on an understanding of culture and worldview. Attention will be given to the impact of culture shaping worldview, communication, thinking, values and verbal and non-verbal behaviour and the important role of social, cultural and historical contexts in human interactions.
REL 315 Hermeneutics
In this course students are exposed to the steps and tools for interpreting the Bible. Students will also be introduced to contemporary methods of studying the Bible.