Worship Arts
This unique program gives a dual focus on pastoral theology and the arts. You will learn from skilled artists with a deep love for the church and theologians with a passion to communicate The Story well. You will look back on the history of art and faith within the Christian church while looking forward to innovative ways of worshipping.
In your second year, you will start a practicum of 5‐6 hours per week. Then, before the final year of your program, you will do a 5‐12 month full‐time internship. During your field education in a church or organization, ministry professionals will mentor you as you get real‐world experience and gain insight into ministry. You will deepen your classroom learning and improve your ministry practice by reflecting on these experiences.
Worship Arts is a four-year, 120-credit program. This timeline is based on a full course load (five courses per semester) with courses usually being three credits. A full-time student, you must be taking 3-5 courses per semester. Your courses will include 18 credits toward a music minor, including music theory, applied music and music ensemble. You will also have the opportunity to engage in Ambrose Arts theatre and dance courses.
Be a trailblazer for the Worship Arts program and attain a unique and customized degree to suit your respective career aspirations. Here is a sample of some careers prospective students envision themselves as when joining this program:
- Worship Leader
- Worship Pastor
- Production Coordinator

"I have found the principles of Christianity to be very beneficial in managing people. Everyone needs grace and forgiveness. Learning more about the Christian faith and the unfathomable depth of God’s love and mercy helped me develop my leadership from a biblical perspective."
From a survey of Ambrose alumni
Featured Courses
PST 382 Worship Leadership Strategies
REL 370 - 1 Theology and Practice of Worship
A study of the key biblical, theological, historical and philosophical dimensions of Christian corporate worship in which students will be given opportunity to consider these aspects through the lens of various Christian traditions. Attention also is given to the planning and leading of worship gatherings and to the role that music in particular plays in the experience of community worship. Prerequisite: 3 credits in Religion at the senior level
PST 307 Evangelism and Discipleship in the Church
Biblical and historical models for making disciples in changing cultural contexts. Principles of personal spiritual formation are applied using strength-based mentoring.
PST 320 Leadership And Leadership Development
This course is a study of the application or integration of evangelistic practice in a constantly changing contemporary culture. This course will examine Biblical principles of evangelism and the necessity for evangelism in personal life and ministry practice. A strong emphasis will be given to the strategy, skills and techniques to enhance the communication of the Gospel unique to one’s ministry, culture, personality and target audience
PST 161 Introduction to Mission
This course begins by establishing the foundation for mission: God is a missionary God. From that premise we will see how God has worked through human beings throughout history and from this gain a perspective of what God is doing in the world today. From this historical and contemporary overview we will consider God's call on our lives. Regardless of whether or not we travel to foreign cultures, or encounter diverse cultures in our society, we are all called to be witnesses for Christ.
HI 263 History of Christianity
An introduction to the global history of Christianity, with emphasis on the social and cultural context in which Christian beliefs, practices, and institutions developed.