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Youth Ministry


  • youth ministry

Youth ministry, like the youth themselves, is ever-changing, and ever-evolving. You will learn how to engage and inspire the next generation in the church and in the community. You will use the newest tools in teaching, counseling, and administration. Your practicum and full-time internship will prepare you for the diversity of challenges and opportunities in youth ministry.

Beyond the Classroom

In your second year, you will start a practicum of 5‐6 hours per week. Then, before the final year of your program, you will do a 5‐12 month full‐time internship. During your field education in a church or organization, ministry professionals will mentor you as you get real‐world experience and gain insight into ministry. You will deepen your classroom learning and improve your ministry practice by reflecting on these experiences. 

Credit Breakdown

Youth Ministry is a four-year, 120-credit program. This includes a 5-12 month internship and practicum. This timeline is based on a full course load (five courses/semester) with courses usually being three credits. To be considered a full-time student, you must be taking 3-5 courses per semester.

Your Future

With a Bachelor of Theology degree, you will be equipped to serve as a committed, competent ministry professional in an ever‐changing culture. You will also be on the right track to pursue seminary studies. Here is a sampling of the jobs our alumni have pursued upon graduation:

  • Pastor of Youth Ministries
  • Pastor of Youth and Family Ministries
  • Developer of Youth Programming
youth ministry

"I have found the principles of Christianity to be very beneficial in managing people. Everyone needs grace and forgiveness. Learning more about the Christian faith and the unfathomable depth of God’s love and mercy helped me develop my leadership from a biblical perspective."

From a survey of Ambrose alumni

Featured Courses

  • PST 341 - Strategies of Youth Ministry

    This course is an intensive and comprehensive study of the principles and day to day practices of youth ministry. All course work will focus on the distinct skills necessary to develop and implement an effective, intentional, sustainable and balanced ministry.

  • PST 342 - Contemporary Youth Issues

    Foundational skills to understand and assess the constantly changing issues of youth culture. Using various resources, students will gain an understanding of issues facing youth in order to build skills to reflect critically and create effective ministry methods and practices.

    Prerequisite: PST 212

  • REL 261 Issues in Systematic Theology

    This course consists of an overview of the historic teaching of the Christian church regarding the work of Jesus Christ, the atonement, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, soteriology, the Church, the sacraments, and the consummation of history.

    Notes: This course cannot apply as a senior REL in Arts and Science programs.

  • ICS 205 - Intercultural Competence

    Foundational principles and necessary skills for effective communication between people based on an understanding of culture and worldview. Attention will be given to the impact of culture on the shaping of worldview, communication, thinking, values and verbal and non-verbal behaviour and the important role of social, cultural and historical contexts in human interactions.

  • REL 315 Hermeneutics

    In this course students are exposed to the steps and tools for interpreting the Bible. Students will also be introduced to contemporary methods of studying the Bible.

Program Information