Sylvester (Dr M&M) Scholarship
Full Time Ministry; scholastic;consistent Christian character & ministry involvement; +50 credits completed; student leadership: Student Council, Missions Executive, Youth Conference, etc. |
Smith (Lillian) Memorial Scholarship
Preferably a single female for international work
Skelding (Alma A.) Memorial Scholarship
Son or daughter of an International Worker's child; any other student if not available
Holman (G) Memorial Scholarship
4th year of studies; fulltime ministry or missions
Hollands (J&A) Missions Research Bursary
Intercultural Missions
Shum (Louis Man-Wah) Memorial Scholarship
Accredited C&MA missions candidate |
Sherbrooke Heights Alliance
- Dependent of current C&MA International Worker;
- Preference to those who are from Peterborough, ON;
- If there are no applicants identified, then that current year’s award will be transferred to the travel study bursary to assist students who are participating in intercultural studies opportunities.
Schamuhn (Nathan) Memorial Scholarship
4th yr; pastoral or missions; evangelism/revival; purity/holy lifestyle; commitment to prayer
Quiring (Emma) Scholarship
Entering at least 3rd year of studies, preparing for pastoral or international ministry as a vocational goal; good CGPA
Feero (C&I) Scholarship
3rd year or more; FT Christian work in missions or pastoral; above average class standing; AB, SK, BC w/ preference from Edmonton, Irma or Regina