Robinson (Burton) General Scholarship
Manitoba; above average CGPA
O'Hara A&S (David) Memorial Arts & Science Scholarship
Deserving returning A&S student, minimum 3.0 CGPA
Nicholas (W & A) Memorial Scholarship
4th year; missions candidate or missions goal; 3.0 CGPA
Moore (Tim) Athletic Bursary
Involved with athletics; over 2.5 GPA; student displays consistent Christian character and conduct shown through athletics; choice made by Director of Athletics
Mok (Dr. Edward) Memorial Scholarship
Chinese Alliance Canada student; serious commitment to God & church ministry; above average CGPA
McIlwain (L) Memorial Scholarship
Nazarene Canada Central District (Ontario); academic success
Latin American Leadership Bursary
- Alliance Canada Student from Latin America or a Canadian planning on serving in Latin America.
- The student is committed to ministry in Latin America with the Alliance Canada
- Evidence of financial need
- Maintaining a CGPA of 2.5
Jireh Bursary
Seminary students who have demonstrated a high level of academic excellence and commitment to the Christian community; minimum GPA 2.50
To encourage and promote higher Christian educational goals of individuals who have demonstrated a high level of academic excellence and commitment to the Christian community.
Hope Scholarship Bursary
Ministry/ missions, good CGPA
Goudy (J) Scholarship
Active involvement in ministry, good GPA, spiritual leader, in ministry program