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Together on a Journey: A Statement from the Ambrose University President

Monday, June 8, 2020
News Type

As an institution of Christian higher education, we affirm that each person is created in the image of God and as such precious in the eyes of God. We celebrate racial and ethnic diversity; therefore Ambrose University stands with those who experience the painful effects of systemic racism and racial injustice. We affirm that in Christ there is hope for redemptive change and reconciliation.

In recent weeks, we have been reminded again of the violent consequences of racism and its impact on the daily lived experience of so many individuals. We are aware that much work remains to be done in regards to racial justice. It is hard to find words that offer comfort and solace during this time, as we pray for those who have been affected by racial injustice.

We have been and continue to work together as faculty, staff, and our student body to take action and be part of the change that is needed. We are a hospitable and inclusive learning community and we will intentionally continue to create space to listen, to learn, and to act so as to further the conversation and the behaviour that leads to healing and reconciliation. Ambrose believes that we are strengthened by our diversity. Therefore, we are committed to listening to the lived experience of individuals within our community who experienced racial injustice. We welcome both critique and encouragement on this journey.

Conversations are occurring within the campus and we are working to ensure that these conversations remain alive from the classrooms to the volleyball court when we connect again this Fall.   We encourage everyone on our campus to take direct and personal action to learn from and with those who have known prejudice first hand. We want to be part of their healing; and not reinforce their pain. It is our prayer that all on this campus will embrace racial justice with honesty, humility, and love.

Gordon T. Smith, PhD
President, Ambrose University

Blog Post: Is your Church truly anti-racist?