Chapel Resources
Tuesday Chapel
We will gather in the gym at 11:15 A.M. These are times to worship through singing, praying and hearing from the Scriptures (the Bible). Ambrose faculty, staff and students preach and share encouraging stories about their spiritual journeys.
Thursday Chapel
Join us in Airhart at 11:15 A.M. as we take a moment to breathe. Whether you journal, want a place to pray, or just a space to reflect and worship, this chapel will allow you to come, pause, and recharge through the quiet pursuit of God.
stay tuned for upcoming chapel live streams
Twice a week our campus community gathers for chapel services, at 11:15 A.M. These are times to worship through singing, praying and hearing from the Scriptures (the Bible). Ambrose faculty, staff and students preach and share encouraging stories about their spiritual journeys.
Music is an important part of campus worship. Student music teams lead most chapels with regular involvement by Ambrose choirs and choral groups. Many of these groups are open for auditions every fall semester. Contact the Worship Coordinator if you have an interest in joining a chapel worship team.
Ambrose chapels often feature outstanding guest speakers and performing artists. In recent years Ambrose has hosted Steve Bell, Scott Erickson, Ins Choi, William Willimon, Elaine Storkey, Ruth Padilla DeBorst, Sarah Coakley, and Ray Aldred.
Check out all of our past Chapel episodes below!
Past Chapels