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Welcome to the School of Ministry! Raising up informed and resilient servant-leaders, our School of Ministry programs encourage you to explore your call to ministry within a community that nurtures personal and spiritual formation.


 Our deep connections to both the Bible college and liberal arts traditions enable students to set out on life journeys that begin with a beautiful and diverse opportunity to learn. 

Dr. Colin Toffelmire, Chair, School of Ministry


Why Ministry at Ambrose?

Breadth of Education With roots as a bible college, Ambrose University as a Christian liberal arts university provides you with a well-rounded education that churches want to see when hiring pastors. In addition to your degree, you can take two minors in programs such as the arts, biology, business, and more. 

Faculty with Ministry Experience Our faculty have held significant leadership roles in church ministry. Their knowledge and lively, relevant classes will prepare you for your future pastoral role. 

Field Education At Ambrose, field education begins in second year with 5-6 hours per week and an internship in your third year. Field education gives you the opportunity to put your classwork into practice while making valuable connections for your future. 


Faculty and Staff