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Journal Databases by Subject

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Behavioural Sciences

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Education Research Complete (some full text)

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) (full text)

ProQuest Education Journals (some full text)

Other Article databases

CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals Index Online) (full text)

Films on Demand

JSTOR (full text)

MasterFILE Fulltext Premier (full text)

General Studies

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Academic Search Complete (some full text)

ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS (some full text) | tutorial (courtesy of TWU)

Calgary Herald Archives 1883-2010

Globe and Mail 1844 - 2009 (full text) | free CPL account required to access this database

Humanities International Complete (some full text)

JSTOR (full text)

New York Times (1851-2008) with Index (1851-1993)

SocINDEX with Full Text (some full text)

World History in Context

Other Article Databases

Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) (some full text)

CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals Index Online)

Family & Society Studies Worldwide (some full text)

Films on Demand

Gender Studies Database (some full text)

LA84 Foundation (Sports History)

MasterFILE Fulltext Premier (full text)

Other Resources

19th Century North American Newspapers

19th Century U.K. Periodicals

Translated Texts for Historians (there is an embargo period on the most recently published books in this series; the titles Ambrose Library has full text access to include green "Full Access" notes)

Alberta Research Portal (Searches simultaneously most of the databases listed below, but for best results search each database individually)

Archives of Human Sexuality & Gender

Associated Press Collections Online

Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America (some full text)

Brazilian & Portuguese History “Other Resources” & Culture

British Literary Manuscripts Online

British Newspapers I-V

Burney Collection of 17th/18th Century Newspapers

Canadian Newsstream (full text)

Canadian Reference Centre (full text)

Chatham House Online Archive

China-From Empire to Republic

Christian and Missionary Alliance Periodicals (full text)

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers

Crime Punishment and Popular Culture 1790-1920

Daily Mail Historical Archive 1896-2004

Economist Historical Archive

Financial Times Historical Archives 1888-2010

Gale World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean

Illustrated London News Historical Archive 1842-2003

Independent Digital Archive 1986-2012

Indigenous Peoples of North America

Liberty Magazine Historical Archive 1924-1950

Listener Historical Archive 1929-1991

Making of the Modern World

News Navigator

Nineteenth Century Collections Online

Picture Post Historical Archive 1938-1957

ProQuest Religion (full text)

Punch Historical Archive 1841-1992

Sabin Americana

Slavery & Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive

Smithsonian Collections Online

State Papers Online 1509-1782

Sunday Times Digital Archive 1822-2006

Telegraph Historical Archive 1855-2000

Times Digital Archive 1785-2008

Indigenous Studies

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Academic Search Complete (some full text)

Humanities International Complete (some full text)

JSTOR (full text)

Music Periodicals Database (some full text)

Music Reference Collection

Other Article Databases

Canadian Newsstream (full text)

Canadian Business & Current Affairs (CBCA) (some full text)

CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals Index Online)

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) (full text)

Films on Demand

Other Resources

Naxos Music Library | free CPL account required to access this database

Natural Sciences

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Biological & Agricultural Index Plus (H. W. Wilson) (some full text)

CINAHL Plus with Full Text (full text)

Environment Complete (some full text)

Health Source Nursing Edition (some full text)

MEDLINE with Full Text (some full text) | free CPL account required to access this database

PubMedCentral (full text)

ScienceDirect (full text) | tutorial (courtesy TWU)

Other Article Databases

ALT Health Watch

Films on Demand


Health Source Consumer Edition

JSTOR (full text)

Science Reference Source


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JSTOR (full text)

Humanities International Complete (some full text)

Other Article Databases

CPI.Q (Canadian Periodicals Index Online)

Films on Demand


Select resources are provided with the permission of the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library, an initiative established by the Alberta Government and funded by Alberta Advanced Education and Technology. To learn more, visit