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  • biology students at ambrose university

The Biology program at Ambrose is aimed at transforming undergraduates in the following areas:

1. understanding: graduates will be able to articulate scientific epistemology, the scientific process, and knowledge of the biological world and the place of humanity within its systems

2. research: graduates will be able to apply skills for framing scientific study, investigation, and problem solving to advance biological knowledge

3. analysis: graduates will be able to use academic judgement to think critically and objectively evaluate knowledge

4. communication: graduates will be able to communicate clearly, concisely, and compellingly to disseminate knowledge at a level appropriate to the audience

5. character: graduates will exemplify, with maturity of character, the best of the Christian intellectual traditions and a liberal arts education, expressing itself in wisdom, integrity, and service to the Church, society, and the created order.

Beyond the Classroom

Biology is the study of all living organisms and their relationships and interactions with other living organisms. In ecology, our undergraduates will collect and look at these living organisms in the lab to better understand them and their place in the ecosystem. Students will be at the forefront of exciting challenges and opportunities in our world of climate change, habitat loss and provocative discoveries. Dredge for marine life, examine tide pools and study intertidal zones on Vancouver Island. We also conduct ecological study trips to places like Vancouver Island and Costa Rica.

Credit Breakdown

Biology is offered in a four-year, 120-credit degree program. This timeline is based on a full course load (five courses/semester) with courses usually being three credits. To be considered a full-time student, you must be taking 3-5 courses per semester.

Your Future

Undergraduate degree is the foundation for profession and graduate studies in areas, such as research, lab work, teaching, medicine, dentistry, chiropractic, pharmacology, optometry, and veterinary medicine. Here is a sampling of our alumni have landed with the B.Sc. degree from Ambrose:

  • attending professional programs:
    • MSc in physiotherapy at McMaster University
    • DVM program at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Calgary
  • Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College program at the University of Toronto
    • MD program at Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta
  • MD program at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University
  • School of Medicine at the University of Limerick
  • working in industry:
    • as an environmental scientist at Lighthouse Energy Group Inc.
biology at ambrose university

I have found the principles of Christianity to be very beneficial in managing people. Everyone needs grace and forgiveness. Learning more about the Christian faith and the unfathomable depth of God’s love and mercy helped me develop my leadership from a biblical perspective."

From a survey of Ambrose alumni

Featured Courses

  • BIO 211 Principles of Genetics

    This course examines the principles of heredity, Mendelian laws, as well as basic concepts of gene structure and function, gene regulation and genetic recombination. Principles from prokaryotes, eukaryotes and viruses will be explored. The accompanying laboratory component contains experiments and exercises to illustrate key genetic principles and genetics molecular techniques

  • BIO 493 Independent Research Study in Biology

    This course is the first course of a two-semester research project (Fall and Winter). In this course, the students will choose a research project of their choice, perform background research, pilot experiments, and write a research proposal. The research will continue in Course B. This course will rely on independent work, in conjunction with a research supervisor who you will meet with on a regular basis.

  • CHE 495 Independent Research Study in Chemistry

    This course is a one-semester research project in chemistry. Students will design and implement a chemistry experiment, conduct data analysis, and disseminate this knowledge as a formal scientific report and an oral conference presentation. In this particular project, the student will research the native edible plants in Calgary, conduct an investigation on the metabolites present in these plants, and report on the beneficial components of the plants.

Program Information