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Harassment Policy





Student Life provides personal support to help you make the most of your time at Ambrose.




  • ambrose-trees

Ambrose University (the "University") is a private, Christian university that is accredited by the province of Alberta to offer 3- and 4-year Bachelor of Arts degrees. Ambrose also offers a range of professional ministry related degrees and diplomas through its undergrad and graduate programs. The undergrad professional ministry program is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education and the graduate program is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools.

The University is committed to providing a community in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, free from harassment. The University considers harassment a serious offence and will not tolerate harassing behaviour that may undermine the respect, dignity, self-esteem, or productivity of any student or employee.

The University is a Christian community that encourages its members to follow biblical principles of lifestyle and conduct. These principles are the basis of our biblical learning community and make possible the creation of a living-learning environment conducive to the accomplishment of the University's mission.

The University's mission statement: "Ambrose University prepares men and women for wise, joyful, and redemptive engagement in the church, society, and the created order through excellent Christian post-secondary education."

As a Christian community we will model and work with each other in ways that respect and encourage full acceptance of all persons, and the full exercise and development of our individual gifts and vocations. Achieving a community free from harassment depends on mutual respect, co-operation and understanding among students and employees. Attitudes and behaviour that undermine this goal are detrimental to all.

The University encourages students and employees to bring concerns and complaints to a Harassment Policy Contact Person. Unless complaints are reported and resolved, it is very difficult for the University to maintain a harassment-free community. All reports of harassment will be taken seriously, promptly investigated and addressed.

Download the PDF Version of the Harassment Policy