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ASC Meet the Team-Liam Hawkins



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Ambrose Student Body VP of Internal Relations: Liam Hawkins


Who is Liam?

  • Liam is in his third year.
  • Liam is in the Business program studying Finance and Business Analytics.
  • Liam is still thinking about his career.
  • Liam is from Tauranga, New Zealand.
  • Liam favourite activity is playing basketball.
  • Liam favourite book is the Bible (because it's the only book he reads).
  • Liam is looking forward to fostering strong connections among council members, promote effective communication, and create a sense of unity within our team.  My goal for this year is to enhance the council's effectiveness in representing and advocating for the student body. I am excited to contribute my skills and dedication to make a positive impact during my first year on the student council.

What does the VP of Internal Relations do?

From the Ambrose Student Council Bylaw IV, Section I, Clause IV.

Duties of the Vice President of Internal Affairs:

  • To oversee the financial accounts of the Students’ Council.
  • To pay all bills, as authorized by the Students’ Council.
  • To be one of the signing officers of the Students’ Council, along with the President and Vice President – Academics.
  • To prepare and present financial reports upon the request of any Students’ Council member.
  • To keep a record of all incoming and outgoing funds that are organized by and available to the Students’ Council.
  • To liaise with the Finance Office of Ambrose to manage the finances of the Students’ Council.
  • To administer the Benevolent Fund in cooperation with the ASC President and a staff member of Student Development.
  • To submit fall and winter budgets on time.
  • To ensure that all stipends are distributed to recipients on the last day of classes at the end of each semester.
  • To facilitate the Undergraduate Health Plan in cooperation with Ambrose Finance.