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Student Impact




All donations will be used for Board-approved programs and projects. When any need or project goal has been met, extra funds will be used in areas of greatest need.

Registered Canadian Charity #: 872804406 RR0001



150 Ambrose Circle SW
Calgary, AB T3K 1W7



Charitable Registration Number




Your gifts change the lives of our students and create a ripple effect that transforms the lives of more people than you know as students graduate and begin serving in their communities.

These are just a few testimonies of students impacted by donor gifts at Ambrose University:


Student Stories: Wanting to "serve from anywhere in the world..."

student beatrice

The Story of Beatrice Tshijika Musambu, MA in Leadership & Ministry

I learned about Ambrose online" says Beatrice Tshijika Musambu, a seminary student from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Musambu was drawn to Ambrose because of its focus on preparing leaders who live out the teachings of Scripture in the Church and the marketplace. She also perceived a holistic approach to learning in the school's emphasis on academics, ministry, and spiritual growth.

"My total travel time was 27 hours," Musambu says, recalling her trip to Calgary. "Coming from a tropical country, adapting to the Calgary winter season has been the biggest challenge I've faced," she says. "If you are looking for a Christian institution that prepares God-fearing leaders to serve from anywhere in the world," Musambu adds, "Ambrose is the place for you!


Student Stories: Fighting Against "darkness of the world" and "seeing the difference"

ambrose student luke

The Story of Luke Dargatz, Behavioural Science

As a part of his Behavioural Science major, Luke completed his practicum with the Calgary Police Services (CPS) Victim Assistance Unit (VAU). Luke's practicum included working in the call centre and alongside members of the unit as part of crisis response teams – helping to reduce the impact of crime and trauma. "I have learned so many things and grown immensely as a person since my practicum. I think the biggest lesson I have learned is what humanity is capable of without God. I have worked with victims of very atrocious crimes. Being exposed to the darkness of the world makes me want to fight back, to make a difference, to put some light back into the world. The greatest highlight and most fulfilling part of my practicum was seeing the difference I made in people's lives.


Alumni Stories: Experiencing "wonderful opportunities to grow as a thinker and writer"


The Story of Denae Dyck, English Literature '14

Denae Dyck, who graduated summa cum laude this spring from the English program at Ambrose, received an Izaak Walton Killam predoctoral scholarship for graduate study in English at Dalhousie University. The Killam group of awards are Canada’s premier awards in the fields of health sciences, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, and humanities. Denae also earned a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) MA scholarship at the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria, and at Dalhousie University. SSHRC awards recognize excellence in scholarly ability and research potential. Denae accepted the award offered by Dalhousie, so she will enter her MA program in English as both a SSHRC recipient and as a Killam scholar. Speaking about her Ambrose experience, Denae says “the English program provided wonderful opportunities to grow as a thinker and writer. I have been challenged by the program’s rigour, and I really appreciate the English faculty’s investment in me.”


Alumni Stories: Experiencing The Joy of the Gospel After “God put me there” (The Last Place Expected)

ambrose alumni spurgeon

The Story of Spurgeon Root, Youth Ministry '98

Fresh out of Bible school and wondering what God had in store next, Spurgeon Root (CBC ‘98) didn't think his career path would include ministry. "I thought there was no way I'd end up as a youth pastor–I had long hair, rode a motorcycle, and had a hard time feeling like I belonged in church, period," he says. "I thought I'd end up getting fired or splitting a church, and I didn't feel like doing either of those things so in my third year [at CBC] I switched [from the youth ministry program] to the Bachelor of Arts in Religion program." Thus began Spurgeon's career in youth and urban ministry.

"I ended up getting a job in a youth custody facility ‘by accident,' meaning that God put me there through no fault or planning on my part." Spurgeon quickly came to love working with the youth, though he struggled with knowing that once released, they would be returning to a life that lacked the community supports they needed. It was during this time that he began working alongside Healing Hearts Ministries, a Regina-based non-denominational ministry that reaches out to youth and First Nations communities. The next year saw Root become a faith missionary with Healing Hearts, serving first as youth pastor for 10 years and currently as director of outreach ministries.

In the 16 years that Spurgeon has been serving with Healing Hearts and living in gang- and crime-plagued North Central Regina, he has had to grieve the loss of many friends to either death or jail. He has also been filled with an even greater joy while walking with beautiful, broken people through the ups and downs of everyday life and seeing their lives changed as they grasp the truth of the gospel.


Alumni Stories: The Medical Student: "We are all meant to share the Gospel" but "it takes some training"

The Story of Scott Willms, Biology '12


Scott Willms is the first Ambrose Biology graduate to be accepted into medical school. Today he is studying medicine at the University of Calgary. "Working as the doctor for a professional sports team or opening my own surgical clinic would be my dream jobs," says Scott, who also anticipates using his medical skills to serve on regular trips to developing countries.

What has been the most valuable aspect of studying at Ambrose? For Scott, it was the journey of understanding how faith informs his identity. "We are all meant to share the Gospel with the world around us by serving others, and Ambrose played a huge role in preparing me for this task," Scott says. "Ambrose solidified my faith in Jesus Christ. My discussions with fellow students, friends, and staff were what challenged my faith and allowed me to spiritually mature. Sometimes it takes some training before we are ready to undertake the tasks God has assigned for our lives, and in that process of training Ambrose gave me everything I needed."