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Pray for Ambrose


A place for Ambrose students, staff, and friends to pray and be encouraged.

Pray for Ambrose


From Steve MorrisDirector of Information Technology

Please pray for:

  • Implementation of our Jenzabar Student Information System: part will go live in May and the rest is scheduled for June. Campus departments are tired from the work of training, configuration, and data conversion. Pray for strength at the end of a long process.
  • Equipment deliveries. In a post-COVID world this is still a thing and the window from May to September is short.
  • Protection from those who would seek to do us harm.


Lions’ Store

from Natalie Cox, Assistant Manager

Please pray for:

  • Our ordering process for Fall textbooks. Since enrolment numbers increase throughout the summer, we have to make educated guesses of how many books to order for the fall, so please pray for wisdom in determining quantities, smooth sourcing and timely delivery.
  • Wellness and energy to prepare the store in August for fall sales.



From Steve Larkin, Vice President Finance

May the Lord bless us and keep us, make His face shine upon us and be gracious to us; the Lord lift up his countenance upon us and give us peace.

Please join us as we pray for:

  • wisdom/ guidance/ patience with each other as we continue the process of implementing new student information and accounting systems.
  • unity and vision
  • good health and strength
  • God’s blessing and favour fiscally in 2023-24