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Canadian Data. Theological Reflection. Practical Application

Very little Canadian-specific data and analysis exists on congregations that could be useful for churches who wish to flourish.

Research shows that when congregations flourish, individuals, families, and communities thrive; lives are transformed. The Flourishing Congregations Institute has uniquely studied and collaborated with Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox churches/parishes to provide data and analysis on the Canadian Church for the Canadian Church. Many church leaders have shared that the COVID-19 pandemic has only renewed congregational interest in Canadian data, theological reflection, and practical application on what might be next for Canadian churches.

To meet this demand, your support will help share research findings and applications in fresh, timely, and relevant ways. To get resources into the hands of leaders, we are particularly looking to hire the needed expertise to produce weekly video and daily social media resources that, in the process, will ensure our research team can devote our time to gathering, analyzing, and sharing innovative Canadian-based research that benefits Canadian churches.

I want to invite you to help Canadian churches flourish. Would you consider partnering financially with the Flourishing Congregations Institute?

Grace and peace,

Dr. Joel Thiessen
Flourishing Congregations Institute Director, Ambrose University

Your support helps provide:

  • Digital Media and Video Personnel - $65,000
    Yields needed content curation, production, and distribution for web, video, and social media.
  • Research and Program Coordinator - $30,000
    Provides administrative support to all Institute activities.
  • Course Release for Institute Director - $12,500
    Affords time to offer enhanced Institute leadership, including data collection, analysis, and dissemination with and for Canadian church leaders.
  • Travel and Hosting Church Leaders - $12,500
    Supports Partnership Council (church, denominational, and parachurch leaders that span theological traditions and Canadian regions) to advise on Institute development and activities.
  • Online Content Curation - $5,000
    Modest honorarium for content creators in anticipated weekly video series.
  • General Marketing and Promotion - $5,000
    Materials for in-person events (e.g., banners, brochures).




All donations will be used for Board-approved programs and projects. When any need or project goal has been met, extra funds will be used in areas of greatest need.

Registered Canadian Charity #: 872804406 RR0001



150 Ambrose Circle SW
Calgary, AB T3K 1W7



Charitable Registration Number
