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ASC Meet the Team-Alexsana Butt



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Ambrose Student Body VP of External Affairs: Alexsana Butt




Who is Alexsana?

  • Alexsana is in her 5th year
  • Alexsana is in the Humanities program studying Christian Studies.
  • Alexsana would like to be a Pastor. ...Professor? Artist? (I don’t know man! This question is scary!)
  • Alexsana is from Calgary, sort of (but also is sort of from Falun, AB. If, for whatever reason, you know where this is, congrats! 10 points for you!).
  • Alexsana's favourite activities are oil painting, bird watching, and writing bad poetry :)
  • Alexsana's favourite book is Perelandra by C.S. Lewis.
  • Alexsana is looking forward to serving your (students) academic needs. Whether that means you need someone to advocate for your learning, need help navigating the academic complaint process or policies, or need someone to hear and see you. Send her an email; she would love to grab coffee with you!

What does the VP of External Relations do?

From the Ambrose Student Council Bylaw IV, Section I, Clause III.

Duties of the Vice President of External Affairs:

  • To attend all academic committees on campus as a student representative (APPC and TLC) and request a seat in any other relevant committees that would benefit from student representation.
  • To work together with Accessibility Services, the Writing Centre, Student Life, etc., to drive student academic success through a holistic learning approach and foster a healthy academic environment.
  • To operate as one of the financial signing officers alongside the ASC President and the VP – Internal Affairs.
  • To advocate for programs and courses according to interests and needs of the student body.
  • To actively work on a minimum of three (3) academic related advocacy tasks throughout the school year.
  • To review and make any necessary edits to the ASC Governance documents.
  • To chair the Student Program Advocacy Committee (SPAC) and oversee the SPAC representatives through regular meetings.
  • To actively participate and be engaged in external advocacy groups.
  • To manage external relations with non-Ambrose parties. These relations include (but are not limited to):
  • Maintaining an active role in the Alberta Students’ Executive Council (ASEC), acting as the Voting Delegate1 by attending conferences and communicating with student leaders from other Alberta institutions.
  • Maintaining an active role in the Calgary Students’ Alliance (CSA) by attending meetings and communicating with student leaders from other Calgary institutions.
  • To chair Student Council meetings in absence of the President.