Syllabus Catalogue
- BIO 231-1 | Cellular and Molecular Biology Instructor(s): Chris WangSemester: Winter 2023Faculty: UndergraduateDownload Syllabus: BIO 231-1 Cellular and Molecular Biology W23.pdf
- BIO 231-1 | Cellular and Molecular Biology Instructor(s): Xiao Li, Ryan SmithSemester: Winter 2024Faculty: UndergraduateDownload Syllabus: BIO 231-1 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology W24.pdf
- BIO 231-1 | Cellular and Molecular BiologyInstructor(s): Chris WangSemester: Fall 2018Faculty: UndergraduateDownload Syllabus: BIO 231-1 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology F18.pdf
- BIO 231-1 (NUC/AUC) | Cellular and Molecular BiologyInstructor(s): Carol KroekerSemester: Winter 2006Faculty: UndergraduateDownload Syllabus: BIO 231-1 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology W06.pdf
- SC 645-1 | Chaplaincy in the Community Instructor(s): Jim HorsthuisSemester: Spring/Summer 2021Faculty: SeminaryDownload Syllabus: SC 645-1 Special Topics S21.pdf
- SC 645-1 | Chaplaincy in the Community Instructor(s): Jim HorsthuisSemester: Spring/Summer 2021Faculty: SeminaryDownload Syllabus: SC 645-1 Special Topics S21.pdf
- CS 645-1 | Charles Taylor and ChristianityInstructor(s): Derek CookSemester: Winter 2016Faculty: SeminaryDownload Syllabus: CS 645-1 Special Topics W16.pdf
- EN 440-1 | Chaucer and His ContemporariesInstructor(s): Matthew McCabeSemester: Fall 2011Faculty: UndergraduateDownload Syllabus: EN 440-1 Chaucer and His Contemporaries F11.pdf
- BCH 357-1 | Chemical PharmacologyInstructor(s): Liza AbrahamSemester: Fall 2016Faculty: UndergraduateDownload Syllabus: BCH%20357-1%20Chemical%20Pharmacology%20F16[1].pdf
- BCH 357-1 | Chemical PharmacologyInstructor(s): Liza AbrahamSemester: Fall 2018Faculty: UndergraduateDownload Syllabus: BCH 357-1 Chemical Pharmacology F18.pdf