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ASC Meet the Team-Nathan Snow



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Ambrose Student Body President: Nathan Snow


Who is Nathan?

  • Nathan is in his fourth year.
  • Nathan is in the Humanities program and is studying History and Christian Studies.
  • Nathan would like to be a Middle School Teacher and Pastor.
  • Nathan is from Vancouver, BC.
  • Nathan's favourite activity is playing the drums.
  • Nathan's favourite book is the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien.
  • Nathan is looking forward to spending his time building connections with his peers, encouraging Ambrose as an institution to make changes that benefit students, and continuing his walk with Christ

What does the President do?

From the Ambrose Student Council Bylaw IV, Section I, Clause II.

Duties of the Students’ Council President:

  • To ensure that each member of the Students’ Council receives a current copy of the Constitution and Bylaws when assuming office and to review the Constitution and Bylaws with the Council prior to the fall academic semester.
  • To chair Students’ Council meetings and prepare an agenda for each meeting.
  • To act as the official voice of the Student Association.
  • To oversee all activities in the Students’ Council jurisdiction.
  • To be one of the signing officers of the Students’ Council, along with the Vice President of External Affairs and the Vice President of Internal Affairs.
  • To develop, edify, and distribute tasks among the members of the Students’ Council.
  • To attend Student Life meetings at the discretion of the Advisor.
  • To attend the administrative meetings of Ambrose University, when necessary.
  • To appoint and determine the duties of the Executive Assistant.
  • To serve on the post-election Selection Committee to appoint the remaining Students’ Council positions.
  • To ensure that all members of the Students’ Council are familiar with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies.
  • To oversee the fulfillment of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies. This regulation includes verifying the GPA of all Students’ Council members at both the mid-term and end-of-semester points, according to the Constitutional requirements, as well as Student Council candidates at election times.