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Ambrose Education Students' 'Living Portfolio' Display: A Prelude to Graduation

April 12 marked a momentous occasion for Ambrose Education students as they showcased their 'Living Portfolios,' a culmination of their journey through the program. This innovative display not only highlighted their passion for teaching and learning but also served as a prelude to their upcoming graduation ceremony on April 26.

Dr. Gordon T. Smith Bids Farewell to Ambrose

On April 8, Ambrose celebrated the 12-year tenure of President Dr. Gordon T. Smith in a commemorative event held in the Lion’s Den. Members of staff, faculty and the student body shared tributes highlighting the many achievements of Dr. Smith and the numerous ways he has touched their lives. With over 160 friends and family, alumni, staff and faculty in attendance, the touching words from colleagues spoke to the breadth and depth of impact that Dr. Smith had on the people and place of Ambrose. Highlighting his love for Calgary, Ambrose University gifted Dr.

Ambrose Arts Caps off the Season with Soulful Convergence Event

As the curtains draw to a close on another spectacular season, Ambrose Arts bids farewell with a crescendo of soul-stirring melodies and memorable performances at their much-anticipated Soulful Convergence event. This culminating celebration marks the end of a remarkable year filled with diverse artistic expressions and electric experiences at every venue.

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