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New building under construction at Ambrose University!

We are very pleased to confirm that construction has begun on a new facility that will house the Faculty of Business of Ambrose University. While our master academic plan has all along assumed that sooner than later we would build a chapel and performing arts centre, the immediate priority is for classroom space. The student body is growing, which is great news; and we need more classrooms. In due time, we will also construct a chapel and performing arts centre, but for now, we urgently need classrooms.

The “Crossing over” of Dr. Joan Carter

Joan Carter – distinguished professor, beloved colleague and friend to many—has passed away. She served for many years on the faculty of Canadian Theological Seminary and Ambrose Seminary in the transition to Calgary. I had the privilege of co-teaching a class with Joan when the Seminary was still in Regina and thus saw up close something of the grace and wisdom that she brought to the classroom and to her relationship with her colleagues.

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