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Presidential Transition

At the recent Ambrose Board of Governors meeting, President Gordon T Smith advised the board of his intention to submit his resignation with effect from July, 2024. At that time, Dr. Smith will begin to transition into retirement.

In his announcement to the Ambrose community Dr. Smith noted that, “It has been an extraordinary privilege to serve in this capacity for the last 11 years – to be personally invested with you in the mission of this institution and our shared vision for Christian higher education.”

Worship Arts

This unique program gives a dual focus on pastoral theology and the arts. You will learn from skilled artists with a deep love for the church and theologians with a passion to communicate The Story well. You will look back on the history of art and faith within the Christian church while looking forward to innovative ways of worshipping.

Youth Ministry

Youth ministry, like the youth themselves, is ever-changing, and ever-evolving. You will learn how to engage and inspire the next generation in the church and in the community. You will use the newest tools in teaching, counseling, and administration. Your practicum and full-time internship will prepare you for the diversity of challenges and opportunities in youth ministry.

Intercultural Ministry

We live in an intercultural society inside and outside of the church. You will hear what God is doing around the world and how to bridge cultural and social barriers so you can offer an authentic witness wherever you are. You will be pressed to listen to a wide range of voices to better understand and serve alongside those representing many cultural contexts. Your practicum and full-time internship will be the hands-on experience needed to serve effectively.

Church Ministry

Transform yourself to transform the church. You will form character and develop skills to lead in a variety of pastoral positions. You will dive into how societal trends influence the church and the way we lead it. You will go deeper into biblical literacy, theology and how to impact culture inside and outside the church. Your practicum and full-time internship will give you real world experience and the confidence to lead.

Associate In Ministry (Diploma)

Explore and develop your ministry gifts for specialized roles in churches, parachurch, and Christian service organizations. You will gain foundational knowledge of the Bible and of yourself. Your commitment to personal and spiritual growth while becoming theologically reflective will prepare you for a variety of roles.

Children And Family Ministry

You will become a leader who thinks about and engages in ministry with children and families in creative and innovative ways. While at the same time you will undergo personal, spiritual and professional formation. You will be equipped to serve in churches and parachurch organizations. Our full-time internship will prepare you to thrive in your field upon graduation.

Education (After-Degree)

Build on your undergraduate degree and prepare to support the individual learning needs of students from diverse communities. Design learning experiences that grow students' strengths and use technology to elevate learning. You put theory into action through practicums at schools in and around Calgary. At every step, benefit from close contact with a mentor eager to share practical knowledge. The Ambrose University Bachelor of Education focuses on preparing elementary teachers, but you graduate certified to teach any age level in the province of Alberta.

Business Administration (BA Three-Year)

This concentration prepares leaders for careers in management, as well as redemptive engagement with society. As a student in this program, you will emerge with an integrated approach to business, enhanced by a broad base of knowledge from your liberal arts courses. One of the most critical skills you will acquire is familiarity with information technology and its uses in business. Graduates of this program are effective communicators, strategic thinkers, and thoughtful individuals. 

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