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Learning Services

  • people working at a desk on computers

helping you thrive academically!


Academic Coaching 

Want to get more out of your classes? Meet with an academic coach, online or in person.  

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Want to feel more confident about the content of a specific course? Meet with a tutor, online or in person.

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Academic Writing, Research, and Communication
Need a hand with a paper or presentation?  Meet with a tutor, online or in person.

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Group Study Sessions

Our group study sessions offer additional support for intensive courses in high-demand subjects. Book an appointment with one of our subject-specific tutors who will arrange a group study session for you along with your peers in the same course. 

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Online Resources

Check out our self-serve guides and short videos on study skills & professionalism, academic writing, research, & communication, and career development! 

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Writing Café


Need some positive pressure to make progress on your papers or assignments? We'll have both quiet and ambient-noise spaces, snacks to keep you going, and writing tutors to help you if you're stuck. Mark it on your calendar that you have a date with the Writing Café on October 28 and November 29 to tackle your procrastination early!




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Join us for interactive sessions on study skills, writing, research, and communication, and more! 

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