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Ambrose Business Society


In Ambrose Business, we develop leaders. What better way to do that then give them an opportunity to lead. Ambrose Business Society is a student led club. The purpose of ABS is to:

  • Organize and host social and business related opportunities that will enhance the education of business students
  • Encourage its members towards service in the surrounding community
  • Provide support for the vision of the business program and a venue for business students to provide input into the business program

This year’s leadership team is stacked with exceptional students and we are so excited to see what they do for our business students this year. Here is the star line up:

ABS President Fern Rayas, is a fourth year double major in Human Resources and Marketing. She is full of energy, good ideas and a much welcomed strategy for efficiency and productivity.

VP of Marketing and Communications, Hanson Qin, is a third year major in Human Resources and is also completing a degree in Behavioural Sciences. He loves people and wants to do what he can to provide for his peers.

Co-VP of External Relations, Jacob Clark, is a fourth year Business Analytics student. He has a passion for the business students and for the nonprofit sector. With a good heart and understanding of communication, we are excited to welcome him to the team.

Co-VP of External Relations, Camille Deblois, is a fourth year Marketing student. She has an eye for style and knows how to connect with others. Her skills will be an asset to the society.

VP of Finance, Rob Rayas, is a fourth year Business Analytics student. His attention to detail and love for spreadsheets make him the perfect person for this job. We are very excited to watch him help the society be prudent with their money and best serve the community.

VP of Operations, Evynn Anderson, is a fourth year Business Analytics student. She has a passion for other people, loves to analyze situations and organize different functions. Her skills and natural apt for organization is something we are looking forward to.

VP of Social Events, David Olsen, is a second year business student looking at a double major in Accounting and Business Analytics. He has a passion for pouring back into the Ambrose community and is excited to plan events on behalf of ABS.

VP of Mentorship, Noah Bears, is a second year business student looking at a double major in Accounting and Business Analytics. With lots of energy and life to share, Noah finds ways to make his friends feel valued. We are excited to see how he flourishes in this position.

Stay tuned for more information on the activities of the Ambrose Business Society in 2020/21.

If you want to connect with ABS, please contact ABS President Fern Rayas at or connect with one of the other executives on Linkedin.