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Travel with Business Administration


Add value to field work while developing your own business skills, and contribute to vibrant and ongoing international partnerships.

Travel studies in the Business Administration program have included focuses on international microfinance, economic development, community development, international business and social entrepreneurship. Locations have included Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Pacific Rim. 

Our next travel study takes place in May 2019 as we go back to Rwanda and Uganda to learn about community and economic development. We will be visiting a number of organizations and projects in both urban and rural locations to learn about different types of program delivery. We will visit organizations and projects in a number of fields – education, justice, microfinance, business training, disaster relief and more.

Read Stories about Travelling with Ambrose Business:

Business & Development Studies travel courses 2013-2016

dominican republic 2015
rwanda and uganda equator
dominican republic 2014
el elsavador