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Discipline-Specific Resources


Behavioural Science

Religion (Biblical Studies, Theology​, and Christian History)

    • Stovell, Beth. "Solid Biblical Sources," 2017.

      • This handout outlines the types of academic sources you should use for biblical studies papers at Ambrose.



    • Pryor, Jim. Guidelines on Writing a Philosophy Paper. 2012
      • The first section of this website, called "What Does One Do in a Philosophy Paper?," provides good advice about the purpose of philosophical writing. Try using this information to test your thesis.
      • The sections entitled "Use plenty of examples and definitions," "Presenting and assessing the views of others," and "Anticipate objections" offer good advice about how you can construct a good argument.


    Lab Report (aka. IMRaD Report)

    • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Scientific Reports."
      • This website introduces the major sections of a scientific report: introduction, methods, results, and discussion. It offers tips for each section, including suggestions for tables and figures.
    • WriteOnline's Lab Report Guide
      • This guide goes into more depth than the UNC-CH handout above.
      • Sections C and D of this guide are particularly valuable. Section C includes guidelines for graphs and tables, information on summarizing v. paraphrasing (with examples), and a description of scientific writing style and conventions. Section D provides a step-by-step guide to each section of a standard lab report.

    Article Review