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Mission/Intercultural Studies


MI 501 Personal and Corporate Outreach (3) B
MI 501-CL Personal and Corporate Outreach (3)

This course seeks to integrate evangelism and evangelistic practice with the purpose of developing a wholesome biblical lifestyle conducive to personal and community outreach. Participants will be encouraged to improve their effectiveness in personal communication of the Gospel. Skills and techniques will be learned to enhance the participant’s style of communicating the Gospel.  Principles and approaches for developing disciples will be explored in an effort to help new believers as they are incorporated into a local fellowship.


MI 502 Intercultural Competence (3) A 
MI 502-CL Intercultural Competence (3)

This course is designed to equip individuals to become more intentional about engaging in intercultural interactions. In the ongoing quest to value “others” and their “otherness,” worldview differences are explored and habits for assessing and reengineering long held values are examined. Approaches for adjusting to and working with individuals with different cultural perspectives are investigated. Since effective interaction with others requires the development of new skills, participants will explore basic elements related to effective intercultural communication both from a theoretical and practical perspective. Techniques for managing differences, resolving conflicts and applying problem solving in various contexts will be analyzed.

Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.


MI 503 Mission in Global Perspective (3) A
MI 503-CL Mission in Global Perspective (3)

Theological, strategic and personal issues related to the contemporary expression of Christian mission are surveyed and examined in this course. It seeks to foster an understanding of the biblical basis and Christian motivation for mission, examine critical insights into forms and functions of various mission strategies, while introducing key issues facing the Christian missionary enterprise. Participants will be encouraged to examine their potential role in the mission of the church.


MI 504 Kairos – Directed Study (3) A
MI 504-CL Kairos – Directed Study (3)

Kairos is an interactive module course provided by The Alliance Canada that focuses on the biblical, historical, strategic, and cultural dimensions of God’s mission. The Directed Study adds readings and assignments so that this teaching module can be taken for seminary credit


MI 510 Biblical Theology of Mission (3) O

A comprehensive biblical study of the centrality of mission in the heart of God, as this theme progressively unfolds in the Old and New Testament Scriptures. The course focuses on the significance of mission for the church today.

Prerequisite: THEO 501 and MI 503


MI 511 Cultural Anthropology for Intercultural Ministry (3) B

This course is an introduction to the insights of cultural anthropology for intercultural ministry. It includes theories of culture and societies, religion and worldview, kinship and family structure, communication theory and the dynamics of change. Participants are encouraged to explore models useful in ministering to specific societies and cultures.


MI 530-CL Missions in Chinese Perspective (3)

The biblical and theological basis of missions will be examined. Insights into strategic and personal issues are emphasized. Key issues in historical (particularly The Alliance Canada), social, cultural and religious aspects will be surveyed.  Participants will be motivated to examine their potential role in mission in and outside the local Chinese church, with emphasis on mission to Chinese communities worldwide.


MI 601 History of Missions (3) O

This course is a survey of the expansion of Christianity with emphasis on historical cultural strategy and programs. Missionary biography and the impact of individual missionaries upon their era and later history are considered.

Prerequisite: MI 503


MI 613 Third Millennium Trends and Issues in Missions (3) A

This seminar-oriented course is designed to interact on current theological, anthropological, historical and methodological themes that have a bearing on contemporary missions. The course combines individual research, faculty-student dialogue, and an integration of subject material from various course offerings. The diversity of understanding of the church’s worldwide mission as expounded in various traditions will be explored.

Prerequisite: MI 502


MI 635 Establishing Communities of Faith in a Multicultural World (3) O

Establishing Communities of Faith in Multicultural World is designed to introduce the learner to the exciting ministry of initiating vibrant communities of faith (the church) in context. Participants will discover culturally relevant ways of applying trans-cultural biblical principles associated with evangelism and the growth of dynamic communities of faith. A theological framework for establishing these communities in their local context is accompanied by relevant methodological and strategic research that informs the way in which these communities are developed in our multi-cultural world.

Prerequisite: MI 503


MI 641 Urban Mission and Ministry (3) O

A seminar that explores the rapid growth of two-thirds world cities and the challenges this presents for evangelism and church planting. Through a combination of directed reading and discussion, participants will develop a strategy of evangelism for a particular part of the world.


MI 645 Special Topics in the Church in Mission (3) O

A course in world mission on a topic of current interest or specialized study. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


MI 705 Mentoring for Intercultural Effectiveness (3) A

This seminar style course integrates formal and non-formal learning experiences to intentionally prepare kingdom learners for a wide range of intercultural opportunities. This mentor-based, character-oriented learning experience encourages participants to develop a theological framework for understanding themes such as vocational direction, tolerance for risk and intercultural sensitivity. Working with an IM/MI faculty member and a local mentor, learners will explore a wide range of issues that stem from the lived experience of their mentors.

Note: Taught as a Directed Study. Normally taken in conjunction with MI 712 Intercultural Internship, or MI 720 Intercultural Ministry Coaching.
Prerequisite: Permission of the Department


MI 712 Intercultural Internship (3) A
MI 712-CL Intercultural Internship (3)

An internship provides the student with an extended and in-depth practice of ministry for the purpose of integrating classroom input with experiential learning in an intercultural setting, and to learn the art of theological reflection on experience in the context of building a working relationship with others in ministry. An intercultural internship is normally a three (3) month full-time experience. Alternative intercultural internships may be arranged.

Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


MI 720 Intercultural Ministry Coaching (3) A
MI 720-CL Intercultural Ministry Coaching (3)

This course is designed as an alternative to Intercultural Internship for those who have ministry experience, who are presently or recently in full or significant part-time intercultural ministry. The course expects the student to be actively involved in a guided mentoring relationship with a colleague in ministry. This relationship will involve intentional theological reflection on ministry and mutual accountability. The student will engage in self and peer evaluation.

Prerequisite: Please refer to “Internship Program” for a list of the course prerequisites and program requirements.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MI 705
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


MI 745 Mission/Intercultural Studies Seminar (3) O

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of intercultural ministry. Topics will vary and may include intercultural themes that revolve around worldview, religion, or philosophy. Potential projects may include ministries to a range of local-born and overseas-born new Canadians. Participants will be expected to conduct research and present their findings to the class. May be repeated for credit as topics change.


MI 750 Independent Study (3) O

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program). It is an opportunity to research, organize and write on a subject of special interest in Intercultural Ministry. Potential projects may address concerns among the Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, First Nations, etc., that will enrich the learner’s understanding of a particular people, culture or contemporary issue.

Prerequisite: Please refer to “Internship Program” for a list of the course prerequisites and program requirements.
Prerequisite/Corequisite: MI 705