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Course Descriptions


Alternative Course Formats

Most Ambrose Seminary courses are offered in a semester-long class format, appropriate for the majority of full-time and part-time students. A limited number of classes are offered regularly in alternative formats. The following alternative course format opportunities are available and alternative course formats are indicated on the course schedule. All registration and payment deadlines are identical to regular semester classes.

Modular Class
See Definitions. A course that is offered in a compressed schedule. All class sessions are condensed into either a one-week period or spread over a number of weekends, with additional course work completed later. Fall and Winter module courses are offered in this format on campus during the semester break in November and February. Modular courses are also offered in the spring semester.

Online and Hybrid Courses
Online and hybrid courses are offered during the general time frame of regular semester classes. The start and finish dates may be outside the usual semester timetable.

Evening Courses
Evening courses are designed for the convenience of students from the Calgary region. Several courses are offered each semester during the time frame of regular semester classes, in three hour blocks of time, one evening each week. Evening courses are usually scheduled Monday to Thursday between 6:30 and 9:30 pm.

Remote Access Courses
A limited number of courses are offered during the regular semester in classrooms equipped with remote access technology. 

General Course Information

The following pages contain brief descriptions of the courses currently taught at Ambrose Seminary. All courses offered at Ambrose Seminary are offered at the graduate level. Academic credit is indicated in terms of semester hours of credit. Not all courses are offered every academic year. Some courses cannot be taken unless certain prerequisites have been taken. These prerequisites are stated at the end of the course description. A passing grade will be required in order for a course to meet the requirements of a prerequisite. Students should consult the class schedule for the upcoming semester when selecting courses. Registration is completed through the Student Portal.

Certain courses carry the notation "Students can only earn credit for one of the following: course number XXX or course number XXX." Students may take these courses if they wish, but credit for both courses will not be granted towards their degree. Cross-listed courses are antirequisites of each other.

Can be completed at the same time as this class.

May Be Repeated for Credit if the Topic is different
If this notation is present, students are allowed to take multiple topics belonging to one course number and normally receive credit for each topic taken.

This contains any information that may be helpful regarding enrolment in the course.

Courses that must be completed or currently registered in before a student may be able to register in this course.

Courses are numbered as follows:

  • 500-series courses are foundational for the discipline. The learning objectives require the student to remember, understand, apply, and analyze the material presented.
  • 600-series courses develop student learning within the discipline and may require prerequisites. The course objectives require the student to apply, analyze, and evaluate the material presented.
  • 700-series courses require synthesis, articulation of perspective on the subject matter, and even demonstration of creativity within the discipline.
  • Courses marked as CL indicate that the course is offered in Chinese language.
  • Courses marked as GK indicate that the course requires a Greek language tutorial.
  • Courses marked as HB indicate that the course requires a Hebrew language tutorial.

Course Credit

See Definitions. The credit value for each course is listed in parentheses beside the course name and number, e.g., (3). Where a tutorial is required, a second number indicates the number of hours per week required in a tutorial setting beyond class hours. Thus, (3–1T) means a course requires three hours per week in class and one hour per week in tutorial. Such a course would still have a credit value of 3.

Course Frequency

The frequency of a course is indicated with a letter code listed after the credit value. Courses offered annually are indicated with an A, courses offered biennially (every other year) with a B, and occasional courses are indicated with an O.  Ambrose Seminary reserves the right to cancel or revise any of the courses listed or to withdraw for the semester any course for which there is insufficient demand.

Cross-Leveled Courses

See Definitions. Cross-leveled courses are courses taught with both seminary and undergraduate students in the same classroom.  These courses are listed in both the Undergraduate Academic Calendar and course listing, and in the Seminary Academic Calendar and course listing.  

Cross-Listed Courses

See Definitions. These are courses listed within either the Undergraduate or the Seminary Calendar, but in more than one discipline within that Calendar. It is possible for a course to be both cross-leveled and cross-listed.

*It is possible for a course to be both cross-leveled and cross-listed.

Educational Travel

See Definitions. Educational travel study means any trip (e.g., a Travel Study or other similar trip) offered for educational credit at Ambrose or otherwise offered by an academic program or sanctioned by Ambrose, involving Ambrose students, and including at least one overnight stay. This policy applies both to international and domestic educational travel.

Educational Travel does not include:
a)           Travel related to Internship programs
b)           Research-related travel with a faculty member
c)           Athletic team travel and student leadership travel

Further information is available from the Office of the Registrar.


See Definitions. A course component in which students review and/or receive supplemental instruction relating to in-class learning, discussing and/or applying theories, methods, concepts, or data. Tutorials normally involve small groups of students and are normally between 60 and 90 minutes in length.