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Old Testament


OT 502 Pentateuch (3) A
OT 502-CL Pentateuch (3)
OT 502-SL Pentateuch (3)

An introduction to Old Testament studies and exegetical skills through the study of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


OT 602 The Historical Books/Former Prophets (3) O
OT 602-CL The Historical Books/Former Prophets (3)
OT 602-SL The Historical Books/Former Prophets (3)

A study of the books of Joshua through 2 Kings to understand their theological perspectives of the periods of the conquest, the judges, and the monarchy up to the exile. Issues of Israelite historiography, literary narrative techniques, Ancient Near Eastern background and culture will be considered.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


OT 611 The Prophetic Literature (3) O
OT 611-CL The Prophetic Literature (3)
OT 611-SL The Prophetic Literature (3)

A study of prophetic literature in the Old Testament with an introduction to the prophetic movement, the prophetic corpus as a whole, and interpretation of prophecy. This course will include a major focus on a limited portion of the prophetic corpus with attention to its historical, literary and contemporary contexts. A working knowledge of Hebrew is required for those pursuing programs that require biblical languages.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


OT 612 The Wisdom Literature (3) O
OT 612-CL The Wisdom Literature (3)
OT 612-SL The Wisdom Literature (3)

An exegetical study of the books of Job, Proverbs, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. These books will be examined for their contents, theological messages, poetic styles, and settings within the wisdom literature genre in the Ancient Near East as well as their impact on and relevance to contemporary issues.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


OT 614 The Psalms (3) O
OT 614-CL
The Psalms (3)
OT 614-HB The Psalms (3-1T)
OT 614-SL The Psalms (3)

An exegetical study of the Psalter with attention given to content, literary form, historical context and theological teaching. The students will be shown how the psalms can be used in the context of the church on both corporate and individual levels.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 512 is the prerequisite for Hebrew courses.


OT 615 Isaiah (3) O
OT 615-CL Isaiah (3)
OT 615-CL-HB Isaiah (3-1T)
OT 615-HB Isaiah (3-1T) 
OT 615-SL Isaiah (3)

An exegetical study of the book of Isaiah with attention given to content, literary form, historical background, structure, hermeneutics, and theological teaching. Students will explore significant themes in the book such as worship, the exalted king, the servant of the Lord, as well as the use of Islamic texts in the New Testament.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 512 is the prerequisite for Hebrew courses.


OT 618 Ezekiel (3) O
OT 618-CL Ezekiel (3)
OT 618-CL-HB Ezekiel (3-1T)
OT 618-HB Ezekiel (3-1T)
OT 618-SL Ezekiel (3)

An exegetical study of the English text of the book of Ezekiel with attention given to content, literary form, historical background, structure, hermeneutics, and theological teaching.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 512 is the prerequisite for Hebrew courses


OT 630 Old Testament Theology (3) O
OT 630-SL Old Testament Theology (3)

A study of the major theological themes of the Old Testament with a view to their fulfillment in the New Testament and impact on church and society today.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


OT 645 Special Topics in Old Testament (3) O
OT 645-CL Special Topics in Old Testament (3) O
OT 645-SL Special Topics in Old Testament (3) O

A course in Old Testament on a topic of current interest or specialized study. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


OT 650 Old Testament Book Study (3) O
OT 650-CL Old Testament Book Study (3)
OT 650-SL Old Testament Book Study (3)

A study of a particular book or books of the Old Testament. Course may be repeated for credit as the books under consideration change.


OT 665 Old Testament Educational Travel (3) O

This course includes both an academic and travel component and will provide an in-depth experience of the destination and its connection to the Old Testament. Course may be repeated for credit as destinations change.

Prerequisite: 3 credits in OT


OT 705 Advanced Reading: Cognate Field Comprehensive Examination (1.5) A
OT 705-SL Advanced Reading: Cognate Field Comprehensive Examination (1.5)

Study in Old Testament as a cognate field is required for those concentrating in New Testament or Theology in the Master of Theological Studies program. This course involves a preliminary study of enduring and recent issues in the study of Old Testament. Mastery of a set of relevant Hebrew texts may be required. This course is a supervised study and culminates in a final examination which is the Old Testament Cognate comprehension examination.

Prerequisite: Restricted to MTS students

Note: This course is conducted as an individual Directed Study, requiring permission of the Registrar, Dean and instructor.
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


OT 720 Advanced Reading: Specialization Comprehensive Examination (3) A
OT 720-SL Advanced Reading: Specialization Comprehensive Examination (3)

A comprehensive study of enduring and recent issues in the study of the Old Testament as well as mastery of set Hebrew biblical texts. This course is a supervised study and prepares students for the Old Testament specialization comprehensive exam in the Master of Theological Studies program.

Prerequisite: Restricted to MTS students

Note: This course is conducted as an individual Directed Study, requiring permission of the Registrar, Dean and instructor.
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


OT 745 Old Testament Seminar (3) O
OT 745-SL Old Testament Seminar (3)

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of Old Testament studies. Students will be expected to do research and present their findings to the class. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


OT 750 Old Testament Independent Study (3) O
OT 750-SL Old Testament Independent Study (3)

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program), an opportunity to research, organize and write on a subject of special interest in Old Testament. Intended primarily for those students with highly individualized needs, the study emphasizes self-direction and initiative from the student.


OT 790a Thesis (6) A
OT 790a-SL Thesis (6)

Designed for students pursuing programs that require a thesis. Students will write a research thesis in the area of specialization under the supervision of appropriate faculty member(s). After the thesis proposal is approved, the thesis is registered during the final semester of the degree program. Credit is granted when the thesis is defended successfully in a public meeting and approved by program faculty.

Prerequisite: CGPA of 3.0 for course work in the program
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


OT 790b Thesis (6) A
OT 790b-SL Thesis (6)

Designed for students pursuing programs that require a thesis. Students will write a research thesis in the area of specialization under the supervision of appropriate faculty member(s). After the thesis proposal is approved, the thesis is registered during the final semester of the degree program. Credit is granted when the thesis is defended successfully in a public meeting and approved by program faculty.

Prerequisite: CGPA of 3.0 for course work in the program
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.