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Christian Counselling


CC 501 Introduction to Counselling (3) B
CC 501-CL Introduction to Counselling (3)

An introduction to counselling theory and skills with emphasis on pastoral care and counselling settings and a major focus is on skill development. An integration of secular and Christian approaches will be presented and critiqued with a view to implications for Christian counselling.  Application will be made to specific individual and family counselling issues encountered in Christian community as well as exploring appropriate referral processes and resources. Current and traditional therapy approaches and how they can be integrated into pastoral settings will be reviewed. As well, understanding the roles, ethics, cultural differences and counsellor self-care inherent in effective pastoral counselling and care will be emphasized.

Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.


CC 602 Crisis Counselling (3) O

Principles of crisis intervention and their application in pastoral counselling are discussed. Topics include counselling those facing issues such as: death, bereavement, divorce, alcoholism, suicidal crisis, and sexual abuse.

Prerequisite: CC 501

CC 621 Marriage and Family Therapy (3) O
CC 621-CL Marriage and Family Therapy (3)

An introduction to systems theory and its application to Christian marriage counselling. The developmental stages of a family are examined in addition to didactic study of four to six major systems theorists. Approximately half of the course is devoted to utilizing the theoretical material in the context of Christian counselling both at a pastoral and professional counselling level.

Prerequisite: CC 501


CC 645 Special Topics in Christian Counselling (3) O
CC 645-CL Special Topics in Christian Counselling (3)

A course in Christian counselling on a topic of current interest or specialized study. May be repeated for credit as topics change.

Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.


CC 745 Christian Counselling Seminar (3) O

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of Christian counselling. Participants will be expected to conduct research and present their findings to the class. May be repeated for credit as topics change.


CC 750 Independent Study (3) O

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program), an opportunity to research, organize, and write on a subject of special interest in counselling. Intended primarily for those students with highly individualized needs, the study emphasizes self-direction and initiative from the student.

Prerequisite: Permission of the Dean