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Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies


The Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies (DipCS) provides basic preparation for lay ministry. The diploma has been intentionally structured in a flexible way so that students can direct their studies as they desire. Classes taken as part of the DipCS may be applied to the requirements of the Master in Intercultural Ministries, Master in Leadership and Ministry, Master of Christian Studies or the Master of Divinity program.

A student can focus on Intercultural Ministries in the Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies. In particular cases, the diploma will meet the minimum standards for those appointed to missionary service. The one-year diploma can be applied fully to the Master in Intercultural Ministries program for those who qualify for the degree program.

A student can focus on Leadership and Ministry in the Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies. The one-year Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies can be applied fully to the Master in Leadership and Ministry program.

Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies Program Requirements (30 credits)

Biblical and Theological Studies (9 credits)
9 credits in any of the following: Biblical Theology (BT), Christian History (CH), New Testament (NT), Old Testament (OT), Theology (THEO)

Leadership/Education Studies (3 credits)
One of the following:

  • ED 501 Teaching and Learning
  • LE 503 Leadership and Leadership Formation

Personal Formation Studies (6 credits)
MI 502 Intercultural Competence
PT 501 Personal Formation and Development

Open Electives (12 credits)


General Requirements for Completion and Graduation:

  • Completion of a total of 30 credits (as outlined above)
  • A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.7