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Ministry Coaching


Ministry Coaching is an alternative to Internship for those who have at least two years of ministry experience.  Apply for Ministry Coaching if you have recently been in or currently serve in full-time or significant part-time ministry, or if you completed an internship in an Ambrose undergraduate ministry program. The Coordinator of Field Education will assess whether your ministry experience qualifies for Ministry Coaching.

Ministry Coaching enables you to personally and theologically reflect on the practice of ministry through an intentional relationship with a mentor. You can do Ministry Coaching on a full-time or part-time basis with the approval of the Coordinator of Field Education.

The Objectives of Ministry Coaching

By the end of Ministry Coaching, you should be able to:

  • theologically reflect on ministry;
  • take on new professional responsibilities in ministry;
  • integrate your beliefs about and theological reflection on ministry with your ministry practice;
  • develop and maintain a relationship with a mentor;
  • design a ministry project that deals with an issue in the local church or ministry context.

Qualifications for Ministry Coaching

  1. Completion of Internship prerequisites.
  2. Interview with the Coordinator of Field Education to assess ministry experience.