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Biblical and Research Languages


BL 511 Biblical Hebrew I (3) B
BL 511-CL Biblical Hebrew I (3)
BL 511-SL Biblical Hebrew I (3)

An introduction to the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of biblical Hebrew. 

Note: This course is cross-leveled as HEB 211.


BL 512 Biblical Hebrew II (3) B
BL 512-CL Biblical Hebrew II (3)
BL 512-SL Biblical Hebrew II (3)

A continuation of BL 511. Basic principles of exegesis are introduced. 

Prerequisite: BL 511

Note: This course is cross-leveled as HEB 212.


BL 521 New Testament Greek I (3) B  
BL 521-CL New Testament Greek I (3)
BL 521-SL New Testament Greek I (3)

An introduction to the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of biblical Greek. 

Note: This course is cross-leveled as GR 221.


BL 522 New Testament Greek II (3) B
BL 522-CL New Testament Greek II (3)
BL 522-SL New Testament Greek II (3)

A continuation of BL 521. Basic principles of exegesis are introduced. 

Prerequisite: BL 521

Note: This course is cross-leveled as GR 222.


BL 621 New Testament Greek III (3) B 

A reading course involving extensive reading in the Greek New Testament and further study of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.

Prerequisite: BL 521 and BL 522

Note: This course is cross-leveled as GR 321.


BL 622  Biblical Hebrew III (3) B

A reading course involving extensive reading in Biblical Hebrew and further study of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.

Prerequisite: BL 511 and 512

Note: This course is cross-leveled as HEB 322.


BL 645 Special Topics in Biblical Languages (3) O

A course in biblical languages on a topic of current interest or specialized study. May be repeated for credit as topics change.


BL 745 Biblical Language Seminar (3) O

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of biblical languages. Students will be expected to do research and present their findings to the class. May be repeated for credit as topics change.


BL 750 Biblical Language Independent Study (3) O

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program), an opportunity to research, organize and write on a subject of special interest in the Old Testament. Intended primarily for those students with highly individualized needs, the study emphasizes self-direction and initiative from the student.


RL 601 Language for Theological Research (3) O

An intensive introduction to reading one of Latin, German or French as a research language for students pursuing doctoral studies in Theology or Bible (Subject to the availability of instructors). Greek as a prerequisite ensures that the student proceeds quickly without having to spend time learning basic grammatical categories.

Prerequisite: BL 521 and BL 522