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New Testament


NT 502 Synoptic Gospels (3) A
NT 502-CL Synoptic Gospels (3)
NT 502-SL Synoptic Gospels (3)

An introduction to New Testament studies and exegetical skills through the study of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.


NT 602 The Gospel of Matthew (3) O
NT 602-CL The Gospel of Matthew (3)
NT 602-SL The Gospel of Matthew (3)
NT 602-CL-GK The Gospel of Matthew (3-1T)
NT 602-GK The Gospel of Matthew (3-1T)

An expositional study of the Gospel of Matthew and an exploration of the literary, argumentative, historical context, and theological content of the Gospel. Particular attention is given to Matthew’s theology of Christ, common and distinctive theological features of Matthew, parables, and various methods employed in the study of Matthew. 

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502. 

Note: BL 522 is the prerequisite for Greek courses.


NT 603 The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles (3) O
NT 603-CL The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles (3) O
NT 603-SL The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles (3) O
NT 603-GK The Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles (3-1T)

A detailed thematic and exegetical study of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, with special attention given to Luke’s theology of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the life and mission of the church.  

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 522 is the prerequisite for Greek courses.


NT 604 The Johannine Literature (3) O
NT 604-CL The Johannine Literature (3)
NT 604-SL The Johannine Literature (3)
NT 604-GK The Johannine Literature (3-1T)

A reading of and reflection upon the Gospel and Letters of John, noting their literary form, historical context, and theological content. Particular attention is given to those topics and themes that constitute a unique and profound contribution to the New Testament and to the Christian faith.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 522 is the prerequisite for Greek courses.


NT 605 The Pauline Letters (3) O
NT 605-CL The Pauline Letters (3)
NT 605-SL The Pauline Letters (3)

An exploration of the thirteen Pauline letters investigating the life, ministry, and theology of Paul, based on an exposition of the letters in their argumentative, historical, and literary contexts. Attention will be given to practical concerns of application and hermeneutical issues raised in applying Paul’s letters in the global world today.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


NT 606 Romans (3) O
NT 606-CL Romans (3)
NT 606-SL Romans (3)
NT 606-CL-GK Romans (3-1T)
NT 606-GK Romans (3-1T)

This course explores the life, ministry, and theology of Paul as it comes to expression in his letters to the Romans. By means of expositional analysis, particular attention is given to Paul’s Gospel, his theology of God, the cross, the law-free Gospel, the Holy Spirit, and ethics. Students develop skills in exegesis and capacity to critique theological systems commonly used to interpret Romans and Galatians.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 522 is the prerequisite for Greek courses.


NT 607 The Corinthian Correspondence (3) O
NT 607-SL The Corinthian Correspondence (3) O
NT 607-GK The Corinthian Correspondence (3-1T)

An expositional study of 1-2 Corinthians and an exploration of the literary, argumentative, historical, and theological context of the letter. Particular attention is given to Paul’s theology of Christ, his theology of ministry, leadership, and pastoral care. Practical and hermeneutical concerns that arise in applying 1-2 Corinthians today are addressed.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 522 is the prerequisite for Greek courses.


NT 608 The Prison Epistles (3) O
NT 608-CL The Prison Epistles (3)
NT 608-SL The Prison Epistles (3)

An exploration of Paul’s theology as it comes to expression in Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon. Attention is given to the historical, argumentative, and literary contexts of each letter. Particular attention is given to Paul’s theology of Christ, his theology of ministry and the church, as well as pastoral and hermeneutical concerns that arise in applying these books today.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


NT 609 The Book of Revelation (3) O
NT 609-CL The Book of Revelation (3)
NT 609-SL The Book of Revelation (3)
NT 609-CL-GK The Book of Revelation (3-1T)
NT 609-GK The Book of Revelation (3-1T)

This course reclaims the powerful message of the Book of Revelation for today. Special attention will be paid to Revelation as a work of early Christian literature deeply influenced by the prophetic witness of the Old Testament, by events and attitudes of the first century world, and by the early Christians’ experience of Jesus himself. Students will be introduced to the insights offered by current scholarly engagement with Revelation, and will be given the opportunity to reflect together on the enduring significance of this book for society today. 

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502

Note: BL 522 is the prerequisite for Greek courses.


NT 615 The Gospel of Mark (3) O
NT 615-CL The Gospel of Mark (3)
NT 615-SL The Gospel of Mark (3)
NT 615-GK The Gospel of Mark (3-1T)

A detailed thematic and exegetical study of the Gospel of Mark, with special attention given to Mark’s theology of God, his Christology, and his understanding of discipleship. Consideration will be given to literary, historical and theological characteristics of the gospel.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


NT 621 Life of Jesus (3) O
NT 621-SL Life of Jesus (3)

An examination of the earliest sources on the life of Jesus (canonical and extra biblical) to understand his identity, mission, and impact. Historical methods in their application to the study of the life of Jesus (including Jesus’ social context) will be put in dialogue with his followers’ claims and devotion to him which formed the Christian Church.

Prerequisite: NT 502 or OT 502


NT 641 Ephesians (3) O
NT 641-GK Ephesians (3-1T)
NT 641-SL Ephesians (3)

An historical, literary, and theological investigation of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that seeks to illuminate its message, significance, and implications for the modern reader. The course will consist of an exegetical analysis of Ephesians, noting its unique contributions to Pauline theology and its connections to broader themes within Paul’s writings.

Prerequisite: NT 502 or OT 502


NT 644 The General Epistles (3) O
NT 644-CL The General Epistles (3)
NT 644-SL The General Epistles (3)

A survey of the contents, literary form and historical context of the letter to the Hebrews, and the letters of James, Peter, and John. Particular attention will be given to the contribution of these books to the full witness of the New Testament to the person and work of Jesus.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


NT 645 Special Topics in New Testament (3) O
NT 645-CL Special Topics in New Testament (3)
NT 645-SL Special Topics in New Testament (3)

A course in New Testament on a topic of current interest or specialized study. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


NT 650 New Testament Book Study (3) O
NT 650-CL New Testament Book Study (3)
NT 650-SL New Testament Book Study (3)

A study of a particular book or books of the New Testament. Course may be repeated for credit as the books under consideration change.


NT 665 New Testament Educational Travel (3) O

This course includes both an academic and travel component and will provide an in-depth experience of the destination and its connection to the New Testament. Course may be repeated for credit as destinations change.

Prerequisite: OT 502 or NT 502


NT 705 Advanced Reading: Cognate Field Comprehensive Examination (1.5) A
NT 705-SL Advanced Reading: Cognate Field Comprehensive Examination (1.5)

A Study in New Testament as a cognate field is required for those concentrating in Old Testament or Theology in the Master of Theological Studies program. This course involves a preliminary study of enduring and recent issues in the study of New Testament. Mastery of a set of relevant Greek texts may be required. This course is a supervised study and culminates in a final examination which is the New Testament cognate comprehensive examination.

Prerequisite: Restricted to MTS students

Note: This course is conducted as an individual Directed Study, requiring permission of the Registrar, Dean and instructor.
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


NT 720 Advanced Reading: Specialization Comprehensive Examination (3) A
NT 720-SL Advanced Reading: Specialization Comprehensive Examination (3)

A comprehensive study of enduring and recent issues in the study of the New Testament as well as mastery of set Greek biblical texts. This course is a supervised study and prepares students for the New Testament specialization comprehensive exam in the Master of Theological Studies program.

Note: This course is conducted as an individual Directed Study, requiring permission of the Registrar, Dean and instructor.
Prerequisite: Restricted to MTS students.
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


NT 745 New Testament Seminar (3) O
NT 745-SL New Testament Seminar (3)

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of New Testament studies. Participants will be expected to conduct research and present their findings to the class. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


NT 750 New Testament Independent Study (3) O
NT 750-SL New Testament Independent Study (3)

An opportunity for the advanced student (at least one- half through their program) to research, write, and report on an aspect of the New Testament of particular interest and significance. Under the guidance of the instructor, the student is expected to exercise the requisite skills and initiative in bringing the project to completion.


NT 790a Thesis (6) A
NT 790a-SL Thesis (6)

Designed for students pursuing programs that require a thesis. Students will write a research thesis in the area of specialization under the supervision of appropriate faculty member(s). After the thesis proposal is approved, the thesis is registered during the final semesters of the degree program. Credit is granted when the thesis is defended successfully in a public meeting and approved by program faculty.

Prerequisite: CGPA of 3.0 for course work in the program
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


NT 790b Thesis (6) A
NT 790b-SL Thesis (6)

Designed for students pursuing programs that require a thesis. Students will write a research thesis in the area of specialization under the supervision of appropriate faculty member(s). After the thesis proposal is approved, the thesis is registered during the final semesters of the degree program. Credit is granted when the thesis is defended successfully in a public meeting and approved by program faculty.

Prerequisite: CGPA of 3.0 for course work in the program
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.