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This refers to pedagogical outcomes and fee structures. Only credit courses may be audited. There is not evaluative component, therefore, no credit is granted for completion of the course.

Core Course
This is a course, or course component, which a student takes to fulfill the mission of the University and that is designed and listed as part of the principal requirements of the University’s curriculum. Courses taken to satisfy this component of the program may also be used to satisfy requirements in either of the other categories (i.e., program requirements, electives).

A course is an academic unit of instruction that has a credit weight, typically with a credit value of three (3), but could have a value from 1 – 6. A course may be repeated only once with the highest grade used for grade calculations, academic standing and determining eligibility to graduate.

Course Level
Courses considered as junior level are those which have a course number in the 100s. Senior level courses are those numbered at the 200, 300 or 400 level. Courses in the 500 level are foundational in Education and the Seminary. Courses numbered 600 and 700 develop student learning within the discipline and lead to synthesis of the subject matter.

This refers to the value assigned to a course that counts toward program completion. Credit is determined by teaching mode, hours of instruction and length of semester or equivalent. The expectation is that undergraduate courses require 30 – 40 hours of academic effort per credit and Seminary courses require 40 hours of academic effort per credit, where academic effort includes class time (e.g., lectures, labs, studios, tutorials, etc.), experiential or blended components and all independent study (e.g., essays, assignments, readings, preparation, study, reflection, etc.). Education classes use a modified schedule condensing course delivery based on credit hours per course.

Cross-leveled courses
These are courses taught with both seminary and undergraduate students in the same classroom. The courses are listed in both the Undergraduate Academic Calendar and course listing, and in the Seminary Academic Calendar and course listing. It is possible for a course to be both cross-levelled and cross-listed.

Cross-listed courses
These are courses listed within either the Undergraduate or the Seminary Calendar, but in more than one discipline within that Calendar. It is possible for a course to be both cross-levelled and cross-listed.

Directed Study
A directed study is a privilege for students enrolled in a degree program whereby they may attempt a course which is either not currently offered, or is offered but for which they cannot register due to unavoidable circumstances. Directed studies will be considered when the student has a) a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher; b) completed 50% of a degree program, c) the course is a required course in the degree program (i.e., elective courses are not normally eligible), and d) the course has been unavailable due to unavoidable circumstances.

Educational Travel Study
Educational travel study means any trip (e.g., a Travel Study or other similar trip) offered for educational credit at Ambrose or otherwise offered by an academic program or sanctioned by Ambrose, involving Ambrose students, and including at least one overnight stay. This definition applies both to international and domestic educational travel. This applies to all Ambrose sanctioned educational travel study, offered through academic programs, with the exception of:

  • Travel related to Internship programs
  • Research-related travel with a faculty member
  • Athletic team travel and student leadership travel

Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning at Ambrose is defined as learning by doing. Knowledge is translated into action and with critical reflection these experiences transform perspectives, capacities and dispositions. The experiences are intentionally designed and assessed. Experiential learning includes work-integrated learning, co-curricular learning activities, research-based learning, culminating senior experiences and travel study. We measure experiential learning using the National Survey of Student engagement (NSSE) survey which describes these as high-impact practices. All Ambrose degrees include at least one element of experiential learning.

High-Impact Practices (HIPs)
This is an overarching term used by NSSE to describe learning activities such as service learning, learning communities, research with faculty, internship, field experience, study abroad and culminating senior experiences which share the following traits:

  • demand considerable time and effort,
  • facilitate learning outside of the classroom,
  • require meaningful interactions with faculty and students,
  • encourage collaboration with diverse others, and provide frequent and substantive feedback.

Independent Study
This is an individual research project which investigates an area or topic not treated extensively in a regular course. It is designed in consultation with the instructor who supervises the independent study. A maximum of 6 credits in this type of study may be undertaken in a degree program. Students must have completed half of the degree program before undertaking this type of study. This is a privilege for students enrolled in a degree program who meet the minimum GPA degree requirements.

Modular class
A course that is offered in a compressed schedule. 

Program requirements
This is a set of prescribed courses within a program that defines the primary area of study or major.

The major semesters are Fall and Winter. Each of these semesters is 13 weeks plus reading week and additional days for final exams. Spring semester is flexible in terms of length, occurring between graduation and July 31.

A course component in which students review and/or receive supplemental instruction relating to in-class learning, discussing and/or applying theories, methods, concepts, or data. Tutorials normally involve small groups of students and are normally between 60 and 90 minutes in length.

Withdrawal from Courses
A formal application through the Office of the Registrar to be removed from a course prior to the Withdrawal deadline (see Academic Schedule) with the exception of students in the School of Education who must obtain approval from their faculty to withdraw from a course. Students who withdraw from more than 30 credits attempted at Ambrose University will be required to withdraw from their program.

Time Limitation for Completion of Credits
Normally, there is no time limitation for the application of credit toward an Ambrose credential for any Course completed at Ambrose or at any recognized accredited post-secondary institution.

  1. Time limitations (stale dating) may be imposed if the Course content is particularly time-sensitive. Any such time limitations must be approved ty the Dean of the appropriate Faculty upon recommendation from the Chair.
  2. All graduation requirements for a baccalaureate degree must be completed within eight (8) years of admission to the program. Exemptions may be granted.
  3. All graduate requirements for a master's degree must be completed within ten (10) years of admission to the program. Exemptions may be granted.
  4. There is no limit on the number of years for completion of a certificate or diploma.

Students unable to complete a credential within the stated time limits will be removed from the program and be required to apply for readmission.


Recording Lectures

The recording of lectures or any other classroom academic activity, other than an audio recording as an accommodation, is prohibited except at the discretion of the instructor. Any use other than that agreed upon with the instructor constitutes academic misconduct and may result in suspension or expulsion. Permission to allow a lecture recording is not a transfer of any copyrights, so such recordings may be used only for individual or group study with other students enrolled in the same class and may not be reproduced, transferred, distributed or displayed in any public or commercial manner. Student must destroy recordings in any, and all formats at the end of the semester in which they are enrolled in the class. All students recording lectures, must sign the Permission Form to audio record lectures which is available through the Registrar’s Office.

Class Assignments

  1. All assignments due dates are listed in individual course syllabi.
  2. Each professor will establish a policy for late work, for the duration of each course, in the course syllabus.
  3. You are required to write assignments to give evidence of your familiarity with the course subject and of your thoughtful interaction with the sources. As you advance in your Seminary career, you are expected to demonstrate an increasing ability to critically appraise your reading and to show careful reasoning in arriving at judgments.
  4. Good English composition and grammar, correct spelling and punctuation, and careful proofreading are required.
  5. Unless otherwise stated by the course instructor, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (6th Edition) by Kate L. Turabian is the approved style manual for all papers.
  6. Plagiarism or any form of cheating is viewed as academic dishonesty and will lead to disciplinary action such as failure of an assignment, failure of a course, or dismissal from the Seminary.