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Christian History


CH 501 History of Global Christianity (3) B
CH 501-CL History of Global Christianity (3)
CH 501-SL History of Global Christianity (3)

This course is an overview of the history of Christianity from the time of the early Church to the present. Considers the development of Christian ideas and institutions within their corresponding social, cultural and political contexts, meets influential Christians, discovers devotional treasures, and encounters the diverse traditions that have shaped and been shaped by the world around them.

CH 601 History of Missions (3) O

This course is a survey of the expansion of Christianity with emphasis on historical cultural strategy and programs. Missionary biography and the impact of individual missionaries upon their era and later history are considered.

Prerequisite: MI 503

CH 610 Alliance History and Thought (3) A
CH 610-CL Alliance History and Thought (3)

A survey of the origins of The Alliance Canada movement in its social/cultural context. The continuities and changes are then traced historically as The Alliance Canada developed to the present. In this, an evaluation of Alliance “distinctives” will form a central theme.

Prerequisite: CH 501, THEO 501 or THEO 610. Prerequisite will be waived for students who are in a denominational credentialing process.

Note: This course is cross-listed as THEO 640 and is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as HI 362/REL 362.  For the online version of the course there is a class limit of 20 students and preference is given to those living outside of Calgary.


CH 611 Early Christianity (3) B

An examination of the major developments in the history of Christianity from its origins to the 7th century AD. Emphasis will be placed on doctrinal and theological developments and the social and political context of the Christian churches.

Prerequisite: CH 501
Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as HI 333


CH 612 The Protestant Reformation (3) B

An investigation of the transition from medieval to modern Christianity through the events of the Protestant Reformation. Attention will be given to the contexts of the Renaissance, the German and Swiss Reformation movements, and the diverse expressions of sixteenth- century Christianity throughout Europe.

Prerequisite: CH 501
Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as HI 323.

CH 613 Evangelicalism (3) O

A seminar course on the ways in which Evangelicals have shaped and have been shaped by the social, political, economic, and religious culture of Britain, Canada, and the United States. Attention will be given to subjects such as revival, social reform, missions, gender, secularization and the relationship between evangelicalism and   capitalism.

Prerequisite: CH 501
Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as HI 363.


CH 614 Christianity in Canada (3) B

A seminar course exploring the history of Christianity in Canada from early missions to indigenous peoples to the present. Particular attention will be given to lived religious experience and historical-cultural factors relating to Canadian thought, politics, nationalism, Indian Residential Schools, and social action.

Prerequisite: CH 501
Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as HI 313.


CH 615-CL History and Theology of the Chinese Church (3)

This course is taught in Chinese. It is a survey of modern Chinese church history and theologians. The focus of this course is on how the Gospel was spread among the Chinese people in the period between 1800 and 2000. The course deals with the problems of social impact, church orders and the policy of foreign mission boards towards the establishment of the church. Students will learn how to respond biblically to the critical historical, theological, cultural and social issues of the Chinese Church.


CH 620 Wesleyan History and Thought (3) O

Through an exploration of the historical and social background of the eighteenth century and, more particularly, the lives, writing, and legacies of John and Charles Wesley, this course will investigate the implications of the Wesleyan theological heritage in respect to the nature of God and humanity, salvation and sanctification, spiritual growth, church life, worship and social witness.

Prerequisite: CH 501 or THEO 501


CH 645 Special Topics in Christian History (3) O
CH 645-CL Special Topics in Christian History (3)

A course in Christian history on a topic of current interest or specialized study. May be repeated for credit as topics change.


CH 665 Christian History Educational Travel (3) O

This course includes both an academic and travel component and will provide an in-depth experience of the destination and its place in Christian History. Course may be repeated for credit as destinations change.

Prerequisite: Permission of the department and permission of the Dean


CH 745 Christian History Seminar (3) O

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue prominent in the field of history of the Christian church. Participants will be expected to conduct research and present their findings to the class. Topics will be announced prior to the semester.


CH 750 Christian History Independent Study (3) O

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program), an opportunity to research, organize and write on a subject of special interest in the history of Christianity. Intended primarily for those students with highly individualized needs, the study emphasizes self-direction and initiative on the part of the student.