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Pastoral Theology


PT 501 Personal Formation and Development (3) A
PT 501-CL Personal Formation and Development (3)

This course helps the student develop a rule of life that   fits their personality, season of life, and unique situation.  It explores the nature and goal of spiritual formation, as well examines our rich inheritance of spiritual practices from Scripture and church history. The student will also be asked to undertake an intensive study of one biblical or historical figure in light of that individual’s spiritual formation (and, if warranted, deformation). Overall, the emphasis will be on the student cultivating increasing Christ-likeness expressed through their God-given personality.

Note: An additional fee for MBTI testing will apply. See Financial Information section for details. A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


PT 505 Vocation, Work, Career: From calling to engagement (3) O

A consideration of the theological, ethical, spiritual and practical dimensions of vocation and the meaning of work (in the church and in the world). The course is both theological and practical, providing participants reflection on the meaning of work and vocation as well as the skills to discern vocation through the transitions of life and work. We will also consider what it means to provide counsel and encouragement to others as they discern their vocations (e.g., as pastors, spiritual directors, and friends). Special attention is given to the calling into pastoral office in the life of the local congregation.


PT 530-CL Conflict Management in the North American Chinese Church (3)

This course is designed to help Chinese-speaking Christian leaders establish a basic understanding of conflict and conflict management in their church ministry. This course includes a basic understanding of conflict, a biblical view   of conflict, and an analysis of each participant’s personal conflict management style. The Chinese concept of “great harmony” and “great honour” are introduced and   the relational pattern of thinking is reviewed. The effect of multiculturalism in the Canadian Chinese churches is examined. Guidelines are presented to enable leaders to be competent conflict managers.


PT 545 Special Topics (1) A Continuing Education

A course in pastoral theology or pastoral care on a topic of current interest or specialized study. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


PT 601 Theology and Practice of Worship (3) B
PT 601-CL Theology and Practice of Worship (3)

This course will expose students to the various traditions of Christian worship; provide them with a biblical, theological, and philosophical framework for the evaluation of the theory and practice of these traditions; and thereby enable them to develop a clear understanding of the nature and practice of corporate worship. It will also give students experience in evaluating, planning, and leading services of worship.


PT 603 Human Sexuality (3) O

Exploration of the nature of human sexuality and related research. Gender, attraction, love, relationships, behavioural patterns and disorders will be explored from psychological and theological standpoints. The class will emphasize considerations of diversity, development of critical thinking, responsible decision-making, and sexual health. Lectures will include discussion and activities that are connected to the readings from the course text and assigned readings.

Prerequisite: PT 501

Note: This course is cross-leveled at the undergraduate level as PS 403


PT 605 He Makes Me Lie Down: Sabbath-Keeping & Other Practices of Renewal (3) O

A biblical and practical exploration of perspectives on and practices for personal and corporate rest and renewal, probing the theology, physiology, anthropology and sometimes mythology underneath such practices. The student will gain an appreciation for the importance of various forms of soul-renewal-especially Sabbath-keeping–that are rooted in biblical and historical orthodoxy, and will be able to engage these forms personally as well as encourage them corporately. All fruitful ministry comes out of overflow: the student will learn the art of keeping the wellspring fresh and abundant, for themselves and for those they serve.


PT 610 Theology and Practice of Pastoral Care (3) A
PT 610-CL Theology and Practice of Pastoral Care (3)

This course introduces the student to the ministry of “care of souls.” Aspects of congregational care and ministry through ritual are explored.  Students will begin to develop specific care giving skills.

Prerequisite: PT 501 or an undergraduate degree in Theology

Note: this course cannot substitute for SPC 501.

Note: A supplementary fee will be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.


PT 611 Ministry and Practice of Reconciliation (3) B
PT 611-CL Ministry and Practice of Reconciliation (3)

A study of the theme of reconciliation, considering the topic biblically, theologically, and practically. The course will examine the meaning and application of reconciliation at personal, interpersonal, corporate, and societal levels.

Prerequisite: PT 501


PT 612 Life of David (3) B
PT 612-CL Life of David (3)

A literary and theological study of the story of David as found in 1 and 2 Samuel.  The course focuses on the story of David’s life as man and leader with all its tensions, contradictions, serendipities, and opportunities, and on David’s relationship with God. The course is not oriented to leadership principles but to wisdom for the journey as Christian leaders.

Prerequisite: PT 501


PT 645 Special Topics in Pastoral Theology (3) O
PT 645-CL Special Topics in Pastoral Theology (3)

A course in pastoral theology or pastoral care on a topic of current interest or specialized study. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


PT 650-CL Pastoral Ministry in the North American Chinese Church (3)

An exploration of key contemporary issues and challenges related to pastoral ministry in a Chinese church context. The course seeks to examine church practices and apply the student’s theological understanding to the local church ministry. Since Chinese churches in North America are bi-cultural, pastors need to be sensitive to the language and the background of the congregation when leading church functions. Appropriate biblical responses and pastoral methodologies for ministering to the 21st Century Chinese churches in North America will be examined.


PT 710 Ministry Values and Practice (3) A

This course provides the opportunity for learners to examine their beliefs concerning ministry and the practice of ministry as reflective practitioners. The formation of a reflective practitioner in ministry includes: (1) the integration of spiritual formation and the working out of continual calling; (2) the practice of spiritual disciplines; (3) the development of skills and methods necessary for theological reflection and understanding professional values and practice in ministerial settings.

Prerequisite: PT 501 or THEO 501

Note: A supplementary fee may be assessed to cover additional costs associated with this course.


PT 712 Ministry Internship (3) A
PT 712-CL Ministry Internship (3)

Internship provides the student with an extended and in-depth practice of ministry for the purpose of integrating classroom input with experiential learning, and to learn the art of theological reflection on experience in the context of building a working relationship with another person in ministry. Internship is normally a three month full-time experience. Alternative internships are arranged for those in full-time ministry or with extensive ministry experience (see PT 720 for description). In some cases, a Clinical Psycho-spiritual Education (CPE) experience may be substituted (see SPC 715 for description).

Prerequisite: Please refer to “Internship Program” for a list of the course prerequisites and program requirements.
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


PT 720 Ministry Coaching (3) A
PT 720-CL Ministry Coaching (3)

This course is designed as an alternative to Ministry Internship for those who have ministry experience, who are presently or recently in full or significant part-time ministry, or who have previously completed an internship. The course expects the student to be actively involved in a guided mentoring relationship with a colleague in ministry. This relationship will involve intentional theological reflection on ministry and mutual accountability. The student will engage in self and peer evaluation.

Prerequisite: Please refer to “Internship Program” for a list of the course prerequisites and program requirements.
Note: PASS/FAIL – not included in GPA.


PT 745 Pastoral Theology Seminar (3) O

An advanced seminar addressing a particular theme, group of themes, or critical issue in the field of pastoral ministry or spiritual care. Participants will be expected to conduct research and present their findings to the class. Course may be repeated for credit as topics change.


PT 750 Pastoral Theology Independent Study (3) O

For the advanced student (at least one-half through their program), an opportunity to research, organize and write on a subject of special interest in pastoral ministry and care. Intended primarily for those students with highly individualized needs, the study emphasizes self-direction and initiative from the student.